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例:What is the man going to read?

A.A newspaper.  B.A magazine. C.A book.


1.Where does the woman want to go?

A.To a hospital  B.To a bank.   C.To a hotel.

2.What does the man mean?

A.He will go to Mr. Black’s office after half past two.

B.He won't meet Mr. Black in his office today.

C.He just came back from Mr. Black’s office.

3.What does the man think of his performance?

A.Not so good.  B.Great    C.Terrible.

4.How is the man feeling now?

A.Sleepy.   B.Angry .  C.Thirsty.

5.What’s the weather like today?

A.Warm .  B.Cold.   C.Hot.




6.When will the speaker’s mother come back?

A.At 10:00.  B.At 10:30.  C.At 11:00.

7.What gift does the woman want to receive?

A.An iPhone 4.  B.A camera.  C.A pair of shoes.


8.What do we know about Lucy?

A.She’s popular with others. B.She doesn’t behave well.

C.She isn't very pretty.

9.What does Mary have to do tomorrow?

A.Finish her school paper.  B.Hand in her school paper . C.Take an exam.


10.What did the man do yesterday?

A.He went downtown.  B.He bought books online.

C.He hung out with his friends.

11.What does the man think of the Chinese language?

A.Fun.  B.Strange. C.Difficult.

12.Why does the man’s nephew want to learn Chinese?

A.He is interested in it.  B.His parents ask him to do it.

C.He will study in China.


13.When does this class begin?

A.At 8:00. B.At 9:00. C.At 10:00.

14.What happens if a student misses three classes?

A.He can make up for the classes at weekends.

B.He need pay more money for the classes.

C.He will be dropped from the classes.

15.Which of the following about safety is mentioned in the talk?

A.Keeping long hair tied back.

B.Wearing gloves before the class.

C.Changing shoes before the class.



News Details

The government It announced a ban on  _____16_____ has come into force.

Anyone caught breaking the law will face a fine of $ _____17_____.

A baby boy He has been found left alone outside a   _____18_____.

The City Zoo It recently bought a white  ____19______ from India.

Sports news There is an exciting football match at  _____20 _____ this morning.




21.______ has been reported in the newspaper, they were about to have peace talks between the two countries when an accident happened.

A.It                    B.As                    C.That                      D.What

22. Shirley ______ a book about Tibet last year, but I don’t know whether she has finished it.

A. has written     B. wrote     C. had written            D. was writing

23. ----Does Susan often come late to school?


A. if ever                                          B. if any

C. wherever necessary                       D. whenever possible.

24. It is not I but Tom and his wife that ______ for the car accident.

A. am to blame                      B. are to blame

C. am to be blamed                  D. are to be blamed

25. ---She couldn’t have done that sort of thing.

---______  what she did with what you did, I consider her more sensible. Besides, it’s none of your business. Get down to ______ your lessons.

A. Compared; doing      B. Comparing; do

C. Comparing; doing        D. Compared; do

26. If I ____ here earlier, I ______the English speech competition .

A. had come; wouldn’t have missed       B. came; wouldn’t have missed

C. have come; would not miss             D. come; will not have missed

27. If a shop has chairs __________ women can park their men, women will spend more time in

the shop.

A. that       B. which    C. when         D. where

28. When I _______ in the kitchen, nothing made me feel better than preparing the eggs and

serving them just the way the customers wanted.

A. worked out  B. figured out  C. helped out  D. found out

29. Babies' health is much more likely to be affected if______ parent smokes.

A.both          B.none          C.neither        D.either

30.  —Well, a soup, a salad, and anything ______, sir?

—An apple pie, please.

A.follows     B.to follow     C.followed         D.following

31. The World Expo Shanghai 2010 is more like a platform for cultural exchange, ________

people into closer contact with the rest of the world.

A. to bring   B. bringing   C. brought D. having brought

32. The English are proud of the 30th Olympic Games _______ in London in 2012.

A. to be held       B. to hold           C. holding         D. held

33. --Can you tell me ______ I can do with the broken computer?

-- Sorry, you’d better ask an expert ______ to deal with it.

A. how ; what       B. what ; how       C. how ; how           D. what ; what

34. The public ______ of the environmental problem will make the government take it seriously.

A. existence  B. revolution  C. awareness  D. evidence

35. It was in the lab ¬______ was taken charge of by Pro. Harris ______ they did the experiment.

A. which; where           B. that; which          C. whom; that       D. which; that



Shirley Allen loved to sing and play the piano. She studied music in college and her 36 was to become a concert pianist or blues singer.

Everything 37 when she was 20 years old. She became sick with what doctors  38  was typhoid fever(伤寒)and she almost died. Doctors gave her medicine to help her get well, but the medicine  39  her to become  40  deaf. She could no longer hear the music which she had always  41.

Shirley would never give up playing the piano,  42  she did decide to change 43 . She transferred to Gallaudet University and studied English. In 1964 Shirley graduated from Gallaudet and looked for  44 . She wanted to be 45 and work full-time.

For three years, Shirley worked as a clerk in Washington, D.C. 46 , in 1967 she was asked to work at Gallaudet University as a dorm supervisor (宿舍监管员). Shirley supervised young women who 47 in the university during the school year. She also taught English. Somehow she found time to 48 graduate school at Howard University in Washington, D.C. In 1972, Shirley received her M.A. degree.

Always 49  a new challenge, in 1973 Shirley became a professor at National Technical Institute for the Deaf (NTID),which 50 deaf and hard-of-hearing students technical and professional training.

This 51 woman became the first black deaf female in the world to receive her Ph.D. She made  52  in 1992,  53 she received the highest degree in education from the University of Rochester in New York.

Dr. Shirley Jeanne Allen has traveled many roads and 54 many rainbows searching for her dream. With courage and 55, she never gave up.

36.A.job              B. interest            C. dream            D. duty

37.A.changed          B. disappeared        C. stopped         D. ended

38.A.said              B. agreed             C. found            D. thought

39.A.allowed           B. caused             C. encouraged       D. enabled

40.A.almost            B. totally             C. actually          D. gradually

41.A.played           B. loved             C. performed        D. remembered

42.A.and              B. so                C. but              D. even if

43.A.career            B. interest            C. life              D. attitude

44.A.information        B. help              C. a job            D. an assistant

45.A.happy            B. independent        C. free             D. confident

46.A.However          B. Therefore          C. Then             D. Besides

47.A.worked           B. studied            C. lived            D. played

48.A.attend            B. observe            C. describe          D. advertise

49.A.interested in       B. busy with          C. concerned about    D. ready for

50.A.teaches           B. promises           C. pays             D. offers

51.A.amazing          B. strict              C. wealthy           D. beautiful

52.A.progress          B. history            C. suggestions        D. excuses

53.A.after             B. while             C. until              D. when

54.A.found            B. watched           C. followed          D. appreciated

55.A.determination      B. intelligence        C. strength           D. pride


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