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A. kindness and strong will

B. loving making fun of others

C. losing heart to life and fearing death

D. selfishness and caring little about others

61. The underlined words “ go to heaven” in the last paragraph means _____.

A. travel              B. play           C. die          D. wed

62. What’s the situation of Jose now ?

A. He will die soon.

B. He has on the whole recovered.

C. He has the same disease like Cooper.

D. He could live a few weeks longer.

63. The best title for the passage should be _____.

A. Nine—year—old Girl Held a Wedding

B. Nine—year—old Leukemia Girl Held a “Dying Wedding”

C. Seven—year—old Leukemia Boy Held a “Dying Wedding”

D. Nine—year—old Girl Held a Wedding With a Boy of Seven


Longtime CBC broadcaster Russ Germain , earlier host of radio news programs World report and The World at Six, has died at the age of 62. Germain died in Toronto Monday night after a lasting battle with cancer , diagnosed (诊断) after his retirement in 2002.

“ One of his values was to do the best job he could and to tell the truth ,” Germain’s earlier coworker and now World Report host July Maddren said.

Maddren described him as a man of many gifts: a thoughtful friend , a sailor who loved his dogs, had a sense of humor and was among the “best readers of A Christmas Carol” ever.

“He was the real thing ,” Maddren said . “ He was a very handsome man and had this wonderful voice.”

Alannah Campbell, who worked with Germain during the 1990s, s aid she learned from him the importance of connecting with audiences. “He was a teacher to me. What Russ taught me was if you don’t know about the listener, no one pays attention. So he could make it sound like something I should care about.”

Born in New Liskeard, Ont, Germain attended high school in Toronto and started  out broadcasting while studying at the University at the school’s radio station.

After graduating with a bachelor’s(学士) degree in fine arts, he worked for private broadcasters in Winnipeg and Edmonton for several years before joining the CBC in 1973, as a TV and radio evening news announcer in Saskatoon. Over the years , he served as host and announcer for many programs.

64.What does Maddren think of Germain?

A. Serious ,selfish and mean          B. Kind, serious and proud

C. Gifted, kind and humorous          D. Proud ,simple and humorous

65. According to Campbell, Germain was good at ______.

A. telling the truth                  B. connecting with listeners

C. working with others              D. reading news without mistake

66. How long did Germain work for CBC?

A. 18 years              B. 22 years

C. 26 years              D. 29 yea rs

67. The best title for the passage should be ______.

A. CBC Broadcaster Russ Germain Dies at 62

B. CBC Broadcaster Russ Germain Retires at 62

C. CBC Broadcaster Russ Germain Got Lung Cancer

D. CBC Broadcaster Russ Germain Works again at 62


There’s another reason to clean those running shoes.   Energetic exercise may help prevent vision (视力) loss, according to a pair of student from the US Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory .The research offers hope for people trying to find ways of eyes disease.

“Besides getting eye exams , people can take a more active part in protecting their eyesight ,” says Paul Williams, who carried out the research . “The studies suggest people can reduce their danger of these disease by taking part in a fitness treatment that includes enough exercise.”

A cataract (白内障) is the leading cause of blindness. More than one –half of people in the USA over the age of 65 suffer from some of cataracts.

Diseases have several known reasons ,such as sunlight exposure and diabetes(糖尿病) in the case of cataracts. Now ,it appears that enough exercise may be one way to treat the disease.

To carry out the research ,Williams examined information collected in the National Runners’ Health Study , which he set up in 1991 to find out the health help of running.

In this case, he followed about 29 000 male runners and 12 000 females runners for more than seven years. Of these people , 733 men reported being diagnosed (诊断) with cataracts filled out at the end of the study .Too few women reported cataracts to follow.

Men who ran than 5.7 miles per day had a 35 percent lower risk of developing cataracts than men who ran less than 1.4 miles per-day. The study also studied men’s 10—kilometer race performances, which is a good sign of complete fitness.

68.From the underlined sentences in Paragraph 1 we know we should ________.

A. keep our shoes clean everyday.

B. clean shoes and put them in order

C. Put on shoes to do some energetic exercises

D. clean shoes after we attend a race at school

69. What can most probably cause blindness according to the text?

A. Cataract.           B. Sunlight exposure.        C. Diabetes.      D. Near ---sighted eyes.

70.Which of the following is wrong?

A. Exercise may be one way to treat diabetes.

B. Cataract has nothing to do with blindness.

C. Williams started the study from 1991.

D. There were 41 000runners attending the study.

71. Which of the following is the best title ?

A. Energetic Exercise Is of Great Help for you.

B. Protect Your Eyes with Care

C. Study to prevent Your Eyes Losing

D .Energetic Exercise May Help Prevent Eyesight Loss.


Once long ago, Man went hunting along the water’s edge for seals(海豹) . To Man’s happiness, many seals were crowded together along the sea- shore. He would certainly bring home a great dinner for Woman and Son . He moved slowly towards the seals. The seals grew restless(烦躁的) . Man slowed down . Suddenly ,the seals began to slide into the water . Man was worried. His dinner was getting away.

Then Man saw a single seal at the back of the group . It was his prize. He imagined the pride on Woman’s face , the joy in Son’s eyes. Their stomachs would be filled for many days from such a seal.

Man moved towards the last seal . It did not see him , or so Man thought. Suddenly it swa m into the water. Man rose to his feet. He was filled with a strange feeling . He felt water begin to drop from his eyes. He touched his eyes and tasted the drops. Yes , they tasted like salty water. Strange sounds were coming from his mouth and chest.

Son heard the cries of Man and called Woman . They ran to the seashore to find out what was wrong with Man . Woman and Son were shocked to see water flowing out of Man’s eyes.

Man told them about the shore filled with seals. He told how he had hunted them , and how every seal had escaped from his knife . As he spoke , water began escaped from the eyes of Woman and Son , and they cried with Man . In this way , people first learned to cry and the word “ tear” came out.

72. Man wanted to hunt a seal for ____.

A. his friend as a pet                      B. his wife and son for dinner

C. his dog as food                        D. himself to have a good dinner

73. The underlined word “water “ in the 3rd paragraph refers to ____.

A. tears           B. sea water            C. sweat            D. eye drops

74. So n and Woman ran to the seashore because they thought ____.

A. Man caught many seals.                 B. Man called them to come out

C. there was something wrong with Man      D. they can help Man bring the seals back home

75. Woman and son , cried with Man Because they ____ .

A. had nothing for supper                   B. wanted to frighten the seals

C. wanted to make friends with seals          D. had the feeling of love and pity


Part 1. Error correction(10分):


增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号 ∧ ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线 划掉。




A young couple was having dinner at a expensive restaurant . They saw a lady sitting alone , looked at them . They smiled politely , and were a little surprised when the old lady came over to their tables . She told the wife that she looked as her daughter who died a year ago . she said it would make her happier if they said “Good—bye , Mum” when she left the restaurant . And they did that they were asked to do . Finally when they received bill , they found it was included the cos t of the old lady’s meal .The manager explains ,” Your mother said you would pay for her meal .”

Part 2:Guided Writing(25分)







注意:   1)通知的格式已经为你写好,不计入总词数;2)词数:100左右。

参考词汇:学生宿舍 dormitory,盗窃theft(n.)






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