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30. ---He has won $1,000.

---____? He isn’t any happier.

A. So what        B. So where .      C. So why.         D. So how

31. So far all cloned animals have suffered from some different disorders , ____ dying soon after birth.

A. many of which      B. many of whom  C. many of that       D. many of them

32. This custom ____ the 7th century , but this church ____ eight centuries , you know.

A. dated back to ; dated from             B. dates back to ; dates back

C. dates from; dates back to              D. dates back to ; dating back

33. I’ve decided to move to the countryside , for I’ve had ____ of the noises here.

A. none            B. suffered         C. enough      D. little

34. The speech he made ____ the project has bothered me greatly.

A. being concerned     B. concerned      C. be concerned      D. concerning

35. He had a strange hairstyle and became the ____ of attention the moment he went into the classroom.

A. aim.               B. focus.         C. direction .         D. point.

Part III. Cloze Test(30分)

When I was in the 8th grade in Ohio, a girl named Helen in my class had a terrible accident. As she was running to the bus in order not to 36  it, she slipped on some ice and fell  37  the rear(后面的)wheels of the bus. She 38  the accident ,but was paralyzed(残疾) from the waist down. I went to see her, in my 13-year-old  39  thinking she wouldn’t  40  normally from then on.

Over the years , I  41  and didn’t think much about Helen after that. Three years ago, in Florida, my oldest son was 42  by a car while riding his bike, causing a  43  brain injury. While I was looking after my son , a lady who said she was the hospital’s  44  worker called.

A short time later, a beautiful woman , in a wheelchair ,  45   into my son’s room with a box of tissues. After 16 years, I  46  recognized Helen.  She smiled, handed me the tissues and hugged me. I told her  who  I was , and after we both  47  the shock of that, she began to tell me about her life     48  we last saw each other . She had married, had children and gotten her degree  49  she could smooth the path for those less  50  than her. She told me that if there was anything she could give me, it would be  51  .

Looking at this wonderful , giving person , I felt  52  . But I also felt the  53  hope I had felt since learning that my son was hurt. From this person that I thought would have no  54  of life ,  I learned that where there is life, there is hope. My son miraculously (奇迹般地) recovered and we moved back nort h , but I owe Helen a(n)  55  that I can never repay.

36.  A.miss       B.avoid        C.fail      D.catch

37.  A.inside  B. beside  C.under           D.before

38.  A.saw         B.survived     C.passed          D.escaped

39.  A.experience B.heart        C.lesson        D.mind

40.  A.learn      B.live          C.talk             D.walk

41.  A.worried  B.moved       C.forgot           D.grew

42.  A.hit         B.run         C.thrown          D.followed

43.  A.deep        B.serious       C.slight           D.little

44.  A.social  B.sick         C.extra            D.free

45.  A.drove       B.dropped      C.rolled           D. looked

46.  A.already     B.still         C.almost      D.hardly

47.  A.got through B.got back     C. got off            D.got into

48.  A.when       B.before        C. since             D.until

49.  A.so that     B.in case       C. as if               D. even though

50.  A.experienced  B.happy     C.healthy            D. fortunate

51.  A.help        B.hope         C. advice             D. courage

52.  A.great  B.encouraged   C.hopeful           D.small

53.  A.true      B.last         C.most              D.first

54.  A. suffering     B. pleasure       C. quality            D. meaning

55.  A.favor       B.award        C. debt              D.success

Part IV . Reading Comprehension (40分)


Spring festival is a time for many things in Beijing : family reunions,  fireworks, eating jiaozi (Chinese  dumplings ) and watching the yearly celebrations. It’s also the time of year when many Beijing locals visit a temple fair(庙会).

Temple fairs started in Beijing centuries ago and were given this name because of the fact that they were set up around temples. Worshippers (参拜者) came to the temple to pay their respects to the gods and beg for the coming year ,and sellers would set up their goods to attract crowds of possible customers.

Some Beijing temple fairs are more about religion(宗教) while others are more about celebration. There are many eye catching things to attract the temple fair visitors, including performances , tasty Beijing snacks, colorful decorations, games and traditional artworks shown by locals.

The Ditan temple fair in Dongcheng district of Beijing is one of the largest and most cheerful in the city .Thousands of red lanterns and decorative fans hang on the trees around Ditan Park and provide the perfect backdrop for this event. This large park has different areas for performances ,selling snacks and souvenirs , and playing games. Along food part of the fair , visitors can choose from traditional snacks and cotton candy .A side—show street provides some fun and the chance to take home a stuffed toy , while the performance stage showcases traditional activities making people feel funny and happy.

So if you are looking for a cultural Beijing Spring Festival experience ,having a close touch with the charm of the city, then making a trip to a temple fair should be at the top on your to—do list.

56.The name of temple fairs was given because _______.

A. there were too many temples then

B. people set them in different temples

C. they were set up around temples

D. temples were supper markets then

57. Temple fairs are mainly designed for _______.

A. religion      B. celebration      C. travel     D. Either A or B

58. The fourth paragraph mainly talks about _______.

A. activities of Ditan temple fair

B. location of Ditan Park

C. Spring Festival in Ditan Park

D. movie shows in Ditan temple fair

59. The writer mainly wants to tell us _______.

A. Spring Festival in Beijing

B. temple fairs in Beijing

C. making a vacation in Beijing

D. making a friend in Beijing


A 9 year-old girl with leukemia(白血病)will be leaving the world , but she completed her wish---- to marry a 7--year---old boy with the same disease in America.

Doctors announced that Cooper could only live a few weeks longer. Learning the news , Cooper made the most important decision -- - to marry the 7---year--- old boy Jose. It is reported that Cooper’s “sweetheart” Jose has on the whole recovered (恢复) , but Cooper will die soon.

Jose’s father , Lawrence said Cooper gave great help to Jose when he was in hospital . “Jose became lonely and unhappy after he knew his disease until Cooper helped him set up confidence and we are full of thankfulness to her,” said Lawrence.

In Cooper’s insistence(坚持) , her parents started organizing the “ wedding ”. Her mother Lisa said: “She was only 9 years old , I can do all to realize her dreams…”

Although Jose is only 7 years old , he promised to do a very good “ bridegroom”.

This unusual “ wedding ”was held on S unday, February 22. The wedding hall was filled with flowers and wedding gifts.

In an interview , Cooper said: “ I love him .The wedding ceremony is very important to me , and I enjoyed a very happy wedding.”

It is reported that both parents have brought them to go honeymoon.

Lisa said: “We never thought of wedding for a 9—year---old daughter. But she let us all understand how to love and keep strong. I am very pleased, but I am also sad, because I know my child is about to go to heaven.”

60. From the passage we know Cooper is a girl of _____.


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