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英语属于印欧语系中日耳曼语族下的西日耳曼语支,并通过英国的殖民活动传播到世界各地。以下是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的第一学期期中考试高二英语试卷,希望可以解决您所遇到的相关问题,加油,威廉希尔app 一直陪伴您。




01. When did John post the letter?

A. On Thursday.     B. On Monday.    C. On Wednesday.

02. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. At home.      B. In a laundry.    C. In a hotel.

03. What is the woman doing now?

A. Listening to a concert.   B. Surfing the Internet.   C. Looking for a dress.

04. What color does the man recommend?

A. Grey.       B. Pink.      C. White.

05. What is the man going to do on Thursday?

A. Go shopping with the woman.   B. Have an interview.   C. Visit his grandmother.




06. What is the relationship between the two speakers?

A. Father and daughter.    B. Mother and son.    C. Sister and brother.

07. What is the woman going to do now?

A. Prepare the lunch.    B. Go shopping.    C. Go on a business trip.


08. What is the woman going to do tonight?

A. Have a meeting.     B. Have dinner with her colleague C. Work overtime.

09. When will the two speakers have dinner on Friday?

A. At 5:30.      B. At 6:30.     C. At 8:00.


10. How does the woman feel about the interview?

A. Disappointed.     B. Satisfied.     C. Puzzled.

11. What course is the University of Ottawa famous for?

A. Chemistry.     B. Law.     C. Psychology.

12. What does the woman want to be?

A. A lawyer.     B. A doctor.    C. A psychologist.


13. How much should the woman pay to get her membership card?

A. 30 dollars.     B. 35 dollars.    C. 40 dollars.

14. How long can the woman keep the CD?

A. Five days.     B. Six days.    C. Seven days.

15. What will the woman do next?

A. Pay the membership fees.  B. Fill out the form.  C. She can rent more CDs.

16. Why does the woman choose the six-month membership?

A. It is the cheapest one.   B. She will leave the city next year.   C. She can rent more CDs.


17. How many members does the sports club have?

A. 70.      B. 80.     C. 13.

18. When are the painting lessons usually given?

A. On Thursday.    B. On Wednesday.   C. On Sunday.

19. Which club has the longest history?

A. The English Family.   B. The Painting Club.  C. The Sports Club.

20. What can one do if he or she joins the English Family?

A. Do some readings at the English Corner.

B. Exchange ideas about the English movies.

C. Listen to lectures about the history of the club.



21. The biggest problem with Bob is that he never has got a/ an ___ goal in his life.

A. abstract   B. specific   C. delicate   D. aggressive

22. To our excitement, a new town will be set up in ___ is now a wasteland.

A. where   B. that   C. which   D. what

23. Diego Maradona is always considered as a ___ figure. On the one hand, he is one of the greatest football star looked up to by youngsters in the history. On the other hand, he is always a troublemaker.

A. conventional   B. controversial   C. contemporary   D. consistent

24. –I could not start my car this morning due to the cold weather.

--No wonder you were late. You ___ have used mine. I was not using all the morning.

A. should   B. must   C. could   D. might

25. –The love story between Mary and Peter went public..

--Well, that is why Mary’s parents were so awkward ___ the news. She is still a child..

A. at   B. with   C. for   D. against

26. As the international situation is growing more complex, what China needs should be a ___ foreign policy.

A. fragile   B. fragrant   C. flexible   D. frustrated

27. Boss ___ us taking some days off to get refreshed after so many days of hard work.

A. expected   B. advised    C. hoped   D. suggested

28. I was not hearing to the teacher, or else I ___ his questions.

A. answered   B. had answered    C. would have answered   C. have answered

29. With all the food supply ___, the researchers had to put an end to the wildlife protection project and returned home.

A. running out   B. to use up   C. run out of   D. using up

30. Whenever a patient needs an injection of Penicillin, the doctor does need to make sure whether his patient is ___ to the medicine.

A. sensitive   B. addicted   C. allergic   D. efficient

31. –What is the theme about for the meeting this evening?.

--No idea. Perhaps we will have to discuss the plan ___ a few days later.

A. carried out   B. being carried out   C. to be carried out   D. carrying out

32. I am quite sure that Mr. Smith will take up his story ___ he stopped yesterday.

A. that   B. in which   C. where   D. on which

33. –Have you got any idea what led to the result that he was turned down?


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