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People often say that laughter is the best medicine. A British study suggests this is true, according to a report by AFP on September 14. A good laugh with friends can help you deal with pain.

Researchers did two experiments. The first was done in a laboratory. Volunteers wore special wristbands (腕带). Some of them were asked to watch comedies such as Mr Bean or Friends while others watched serious programs about golf or wildlife. Then the wristbands were made tighter to see how much pain the volunteers could feel.

Another test was done at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Some volunteers watched a comedy show and others watched a theatrical drama (舞台戏剧). At the same time, the volunteers had to put their backs against the wall with their legs bent (弯曲的) as if they were sitting on a chair - a very uncomfortable position. They did this before and immediately after the show. Scientists found that just 15 minutes of laughter improved people’s ability to stand pain by 10 percent. However, the serious programs and the drama had no effect on pain at all. “Using microphones (麦克风), we were able to record each of the volunteers and found that in a comedy show, they laughed for about a third of the time, and their pain tolerance (耐受性) rose,” said Robin Dunbar, head of the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Oxford.

The study found that the magic effect of laughter comes from endorphins (内啡肽). These are chemicals (化学物质) produced by the human body that make you feel less pain and can make people feel happier. Exercises such as running, swimming and yoga can all produce endorphins. Your muscles (肌肉) move in and out when you are laughing. Scientists believe that this is tiring for muscles, so we start to produce endorphins. Scientists also found that the only laughter that worked was real and relaxed and not just polite laughter.

So next time you have a headache, get together with a group of friends, watch a funny movie and laugh. You will soon feel a lot better

74. What did scientists intend to find with the experiments?

A. What the best ways are to help people stand pain.

B. Whether laughter has an effect on pain.

C. Why people love comedy shows.

D. How quickly people can recover from pain.

75. According to the article, endorphins __________.

A. can be produced when people’s muscles move

B. are produced when people feel happy

C. stop being produced when people feel pain

D. are produced when people feel pain

76. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. It was wrongly believed that laughter is the best medicine.

B. People feel less pain when they laugh heartily.

C. Polite laughter is just as effective at reducing pain.

D. Serious programs can help relieve pain.

77. When you feel pain, you are advised to ________.

A. eat a lot of junk food          B. sleep on the couch for a while

C. enjoy a comedy with friends    D. exercise and work your muscles


A great thing happened once. I was driving home to Maryland from visiting friends in Texas. I was going up the road and all of a sudden my car just would not go. It was a Sunday and cold outside. The only person I could get hold of was an old man with a tow (拖) truck .

The old man was probably around age 75 or older, and he was freezing, too. He was pretty deaf, so to talk with him, I had to scream (大声喊)! But we talked and talked. He talked my ear off, and I talked his off. I told him I had no money to fix anything seriously wrong with the car, so if the news was bad, I would have to junk it and take the bus home.

He towed my car to a small Texas town about an hour’s drive from the middle of nowhere where I had broken down. The next day, the auto (汽车) shop called and said I needed a new engine in my car. My motor had blown up! I asked if I could just leave the car there for them.

They said the old man had told them to put in a new motor and send me on my way. I told them I could not afford to pay. They said that the old man who came out to get me that Sunday owned the auto repair shop and was very rich. He said just to give me a new motor and whatever else I needed and tell me to get the car.

Now, every time I see someone in need I try to do all I can for them. I will never forget this man’s generosity (慷慨) and care for his fellow human being. I will follow your example, and I know you are up in heaven watching since I was only 18 at the time and now I’m 40, but never got to say thanks. ? Who knows, maybe the Internet has reached heaven!

78. The underlined phrase “get hold of” in Paragraph 1 can be replaced with _______.

A. find and get help from  B. begin to believe  C. see and stop  D. happen to meet

79. When the author heard that he needed a new engine, he ______.

A. wanted to leave the car there to be repaired

B. decided to get a new car instead

C. expected the old man to inform him first

D. decided to give up this car

80. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. The author’s car had broken down because of the bad weather.

B. Both the author and the old man were satisfied after their conversation.

C. Though he was thankful, the author never tried to contact the old man.

D. The author was sorry that he wasn’t able to say thank you to the old man.

81. With the story, the author sends us a message that _______.

A. old people often give others a helping hand

B. you should call for help when you are in trouble

C. helping others makes the world a better place

D. it is easy for someone rich to offer help


All over the world people enjoy sports. Sports help to keep people healthy and happy, and to live longer.

Many people like to watch others play games. They buy tickets or turn on their TVs to watch the games. Often they get very excited when “their” player or team wins.

Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere go in for them. Football, for example, has spread around the world. Swimming is popular in all countries near the sea or in those with many rivers. What fun it is to jump into a pool or lake, whether in China, Egypt or Italy! And think of people in cold countries. Think how many love to skate or skirt in Japan, Norway or Canada.

Some sports or games go back thousands of years, like running or jumping. Chinese wushu, for example, has a very long history. But basketball and volleyball are rather new. People are inventing new sports or games all the time. Water skiing is one of the newest in the family of sports.

People from different countries may not be able to understand each other, but after a game together they often become good friends. Sports help to train a person’s character. One learns to fight hard but fight fair, to win without pride and to lose with grace.

82. Why do people all over the world enjoy sports?

A. Because they are healthy.

B. Because they are happy.

C. Because they want to live longer.

D. All the above.

83. Why do some people get excited when they watch a game? Because ______.

A. their favorite team wins.

B. they win the game.

C. they get the good news.

D. they can’t help themselves.

84. Which of the sports has a long history?

A. Water-skiing.  B. Basketball.  C. Volleyball.  D. Long jump.

85. Why do people from different countries often become friends after a game together?

A. Because they train their character in the game.

B. Because they understand each other.

C. Because they friendly to each other.

D. Because they help each other.



86. John Snow wanted to _________ and solve this problem.

87. However, the southern part of Ireland was unwilling and__________ to form its own government.

88. I still cannot believe that I am _________ this prize that I won last year.

89. A footballer was accused of taking money for deliberately not scoring goals ________ let the other team win.

90. It is where you feel cold, heat or pain and it gives you your ____________.

第六节 单句改错(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)

91. I was willing to assist him his maths.

92. Seeing from the top of the hill, the city looks beautiful.

93. Come when you is convenient.

94. Sheep provided us for wool.

95. You do not mind if your aunt is strict in you.

96. People wanted to accuse him stealing their purses.

97. All the workers on strike demanded that the government raised the pay.

98. Arrive five minutes earlier, if possibly.

99. It is no doubt that hard work results in success.

100. Our new offices are under the construction.

第七节 书面表达(共20分)

假设你是李华,你想建议Smith 校长在学校开设急救课程,因此写信问询是否可行。请根据以下要点给校长写一封信:

1. 我们刚刚学习了急救单元,学到了很多有用的急救知识;

2. 急救知识的重要性。

3. 学校应该开急救课程并给予学生更多实践机会;

注意:1. 词数100-120左右;

2. 可适当增加细节;

3. 开头已给出。

提示:实践 practice

Dear Principal Smith,

Our class has been studying a unit on first aid. _________________________________







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