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第三节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30 分)


The first day of school we were challenged to get to know a new classmate. I   46   around when a gentle hand touched my shoulder. I found a little   47   lady with a warm smile.

She said, “Hi! I’m Rose. I’m 87 years old. Can I give you a hug?” I laughed and heartily  48  , “Of course!” “Why are you in college at such a young, innocent age?” I asked. She   49 replied, “I’m here to meet a rich husband, get married, have children, and then travel around.” “No   50   ,” I asked. I was curious why she   51   this challenge at this age. “I always   52    having a college education and now I’m getting one!” she told me. We became instant friends.

53    , Rose became a campus icon (偶像) and she easily made friends wherever she went. She loved to dress up and she enjoyed the   54   from the other students.

At the end of the semester we invited Rose to speak at our football banquet. I’ll never forget what she   55   us. “We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old   56   we stop playing. Here are the secrets to staying   57   . You have to laugh and find   58   every day. You’ve got to have a dream. When you lose your dreams, you die.   59   we have many people like this walking around!” she said. “There is a huge   60   between growing older and growing up. Anybody can grow older. That doesn’t   61   any talent or ability,” she added. “But growing up requires   62   the opportunity in change. Have no   63   . The elderly usually don’t regret what they did, but rather things they did not do.”

One week after graduation that year, Rose died peacefully in her sleep. She taught us   64 that it’s never too   65   to be all you can possibly be.

46. A. stopped  B. showed  C. asked  D. looked

47. A. old  B. exciting  C. strange  D. nervous

48. A. added  B. claimed  C. responded  D. offered

49. A. slowly  B. jokingly  C. quickly  D. simply

50. A. seriously B. wisely  C. really  D. secretly

51. A. took off  B. put up  C. took on  D. put on

52. A. dreamed to  B. looked back on C. looked up to  D. dreamed of

53. A. Over the year  B. At the moment C. Once again  D. As usual

54. A. jokes  B. questions  C. attention  D. followers

55. A. inspired B. taught  C. requested  D. lectured

56. A. when  B. because  C. so  D. although

57. A. young  B. healthy C. growing  D. developing

58. A. goals  B. humor  C. meaning D. interest

59. A. Unfortunately  B. Naturally  C. Generally  D. Fairly

60. A. division B. change  C. cross  D. difference

61. A. use  B. take  C. compare  D. prefer

62. A. winning  B. improving  C. meeting  D. finding

63. A. doubts  B. fear  C. regrets  D. worry

64. A. in time B. by himself C. by example  D. in practice

65. A. late  B. old  C. early  D. young

第四节 阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分, 满分40分 )



We think we know pandas. They are the endangered animals that live in the forests of China. They spend their days chewing bamboo. They don’t reproduce very often. But did you know that pandas quite like meat? Did you know they can climb trees and swim? Pandas are actually a lot more mysterious than people think, researchers say. Let’s find out some more about them.

1. Pandas eat meat

While ninety-nine percent of the panda’s diet is bamboo, it also eats rice, carrots, apples and sweet potatoes. Pandas sometimes eat rodents (啮齿动物), deer, insects, honey, egg and fish. In 2009, scientists studied the panda genome (基因组). They found a gene that means pandas probably can’t taste flesh. But they also found genes for digesting (消化) meat. This may explain why they don’t seek meat out that often. However, when the opportunity presents itself, pandas will happily eat meat.

2. Pandas climb and swim

Pandas are good climbers. Even panda cubs (幼兽) can climb trees. They can also swim, though they spend most of their time on land. Pandas don’t often show these two abilities. Instead, they spend most of their time resting and eating. Unlike other bear species, pandas do not hibernate (冬眠) during the winter months.

3. Pandas attack

Pandas are a passive animal. When they are frightened, they will try to escape an area immediately or they will climb the nearest tree. But when they are provoked (激怒) they can become violent, lowering their heads and staring at their opponents (对手). They may use their paws (手掌) and mouths to attack.

4. Pandas locate each other by smell

Pandas have an unusual breeding (繁殖) system. Females are fertile (可以繁殖的) for just one or two days a year. This means it’s difficult for a female panda to become pregnant(怀孕). Yet during this important period, males and females show a great talent for finding each other, so much that females appear to get pregnant in the wild at almost every opportunity. Researchers have found that this success comes down to their sense of smell. Pandas leave “scent posts” (气味布告) throughout the forest by urinating (小便) on trees. Those posts give information about their owners, including their identity, sex and age. When other pandas pass they can get an idea of which other of their species have been the same way.

66. Which of the following statements is NOT CORRECT about pandas according to the article?

A. Pandas never eat meat.

B. Baby pandas know how to swim.

C. Pandas are still endangered animals.

D. Bamboo makes up of most of pandas’ diet.

67. According to the article, pandas may attack people when they are ______.

A. afraid     B. angry    C. excited     D. hurt

68. According to the article, pandas don’t give birth often because ______.

A. female pandas can only get pregnant on just one or two days in a year

B. male pandas have great difficulty finding female pandas

C. many pandas don’t have the right gene to give birth

D. female pandas don’t like the smell of male pandas

69. What does the article mainly tell us?

A. Why pandas are an endangered species.

B. Efforts by Chinese scientists to save endangered animals.

C. Some interesting facts people don’t know about pandas.

D. A discovery about how pandas give birth.


Some Chinese are travelling abroad for Spring Festival. What’s the best way to travel? Is getting out good, or is staying home for a traditional get-together still the best?

Louisagh (Beijing): People are tired of traditional family parties at Spring Festival. So they choose to travel. Personally, I prefer travelling with a tourist agency. It saves lots of troubles, such as booking rooms or looking for the right local transportation.

Tiger (Shanxi): Travelling around the world is my dream. But I would like to travel by myself. I believe only DIY (Do It Yourself) travel can help you understand a country, a culture and a people fully. Travelling with a tourist agency is easier but you lose the chance to touch and experience the culture by yourself, which makes the trip shallow.

Wenhu (Zhejiang): I like the idea of travelling abroad during the Spring Festival. This long holiday is the only time I can afford for travelling. However, I am not satisfied with the service of the tourist agencies. Their routes are not so attractive and you could be cheated. If we want to develop overseas tourism further, we must regulate the market and create special services.

Lym.ok (Shanxi): In my opinion, staying at home for a traditional get-together is still the best for Spring Festival. Since it’s often not easy for friends or family members to meet at other times, the Spring Festival holiday is a good chance for them to get closer and sweeter.

Jilia Song: Staying home is still the best for the Spring Festival. I am working far away from home. There is little chance for me to be with my family each year. (Many Chinese are in the same situation, I guess.) Spring Festival is the best chance for us to unite.

70. Why do Louisagh want to travel with a tourist agency?

A. It can save a lot of money.

B. She can make new friends.

C. The tourist agency can arrange a lot of things for her.

D. She has a friend in the tourist agency.

71. Who has the opposite ideas with each other?

A. Lym.ok and Jilia Song      B. Louisagh and Tiger

C. Tiger and Wenhu          D. Louisagh and Wenhu

72. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Tiger believe only DIY travel can help you understand a country, a culture and a people fully.

B. Wenhu can’t afford a holiday during the Spring Festival

C. Lym.ok thinks it’s often easy for friends or family members to meet at any moment

D. Jilia Song is working too far away from home to go back.

73. The underlined word “regulate” in the passage probably means ______________.

A. conduct strictly            B. work hard to get the desired result

C. cause to obey the rules      D. pay attention to


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