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高二必修五Unit5单元练习:First Aid




一、Listening (听)

二、 Talking (说)


M: We are going to Dalian for our spring holiday next week. __________1_____________

W: Why not go by air?___________2___________

M: So it will, of course. But that’s not a very good idea. Maybe it isn’t safe, I think.

W: __________3___________ More and more people are travelling by air now.

M: But in my opinion, the nearer to the earth we travel, the safer we’ll be.

W: Then, you think travelling by air is not safer than by train or by car?__________4__________

M: I know. _____________5_____________

W: Well….Let’s go by ship, shall we?

M: Good idea! We’ll be quite comfortable on our journey. __________6____________

A. You seem to be over anxious.

B. But anyhow I don’t want to travel high above the ground

C. In fact the airlines are always crowded with passengers.

D. Besides, that will be less expensive.

E. How about going there by train?

F. That will be much faster and we’ll get there in two hours.

G. It will bring us much convenience.


1. — _______ ?

— My right arm hurts .

A. What’s wrong with you     B. What do you want

C. Why do you come here      D. Who hurt you

2. — I lost my new bike yesterday .

— _______ .

A. Don’t worry . You can buy another one .

B. I’m sorry to hear that .

C. Never mind .

D. Who did it ?

3.. — What a nice meal ! Thank you for having us .

— _______ .

A. It doesn’t matter   B. It was a pleasure

C. Not nice enough   D. With pleasure

4. — What about having some drinks first ?

— _______ ?

A. Well , will you    B. OK , shall we

C. Yes , don’t we   D. Sure , why not

5. — I usually have milk and bread for breakfast .

— _______ .

A. So have I  B. So do I  C. I have to  D. I do so

6. _______ , but I can’t tell you about that.

A. Excuse me   B. I’m sorry  C. All right  D. By the way

7. —Merry Christmas !

— _______ .

A. Thank you    B. That’s all right  C. The same to you   D. And you ?

8. — _______ ?

— It’s eight .

A. What day is it    B. What’s five and three

C. How old are you    D. What’s your telephone number

9. — Could you help me carry the heavy box , young man ?

— _______ .

A. My favourite  B. With pleasure  C. Your are right  D. Don’t worry

10. — Mary hasn’t paid for the school things , has she ?

— _______ . Her mother will pay for her.

A. Yes , she has  B. No , she hasn’t  C. Yes , she did  D. No , she didn’t

三、Language study(语言学习)



1. The b________murder at the campus was a great shock to the world.

2. Many people were homeless with their houses b________ to the ground.

3. It is supposed that the p______ food may be the cause of the man’s sudden death.

4. Under the doctor’s careful t________,your father is sure to get over it.

5. Falling product rates p________ the manager with a new problem.

6. The accident did a lot of d_________ to the car.

7. The p________ of studies drives the boy to drop out of school.

8. The man was given a medal for his b________ in the battle.

9. He opened a small supermarket after being laid off with the ______ of his friends.

10. In the crash he suffered severe i________ to the head and arms.


1. Aiming ______completing the project ______ advance, they work day and night.

2. Mary is ________ our plan, but his father is ______ it.

3. Stop smoking.It is harmful ______your health.

4. The police haven’t found________who set the building ________ fire.

5. You should sell the car before it is ______ good condition.

6. The whole street was in complete darkness ______the electricity cut ______.

7. He jumped ______the cold water without taking ______his clothes.

8. He arrived home only to find everything left _______ place.

9. Mother asked to keep _____ _____ their quarrel.

10. Sticking _____his efforts, he managed to work out the problem.

11. You need to wear more clothes to protect yourself _______the cold.

12. We should follow the good example he set _____ us.

13. How careless you were to have hung______ the fur coat outside.

14. Child are having fun playing in the field covered _____snow.

15. The couple presented a sum of money ______ the college in memory of their lost son.


give first aid, get injuried, take off, carry out, attend,

include, essential, award, recognize, honour

1. Previous experience is _________ when you apply for the post.

2. Hundreds of people were killed in the fire,_______ Tom and Mary.

3. How will you _______to whoever gets bitten by a snake?

4. It is reported that 20 people _______in the car accident.

5. The plane ____ as planned in spite of the heavy fog.

6. The party was a great success.It is a pity you missed ______ it.

7. I feel it a great ______ to be invited to the party.

8. Having been separated for ten years,I was able to ______his voice on the phone.

9. Mary was _________ a medal for winning the first prize.

10. Once you have made a decision,you must______ the decision firmly.



1. 当过马路时小心汽车。

Look out for cars_______ ________the street.

2. 正如计划的一样,他们按时出席了会议。

They attended the meeting on time ________ _________.

3. 他比预料的晚回了三天。

He came back three days later _________ __________.

4. 如果你拒绝他们的邀请,我也拒绝。

If you refuse their invitation,_______ ________ _________.

5. 他竭尽全力帮助我们摆脱困境。

He did all he could _________ __________us out of trouble.

6. --明天天气会放晴吗?--我希望这样。

--Will it clear up tomorrow?

--I _________ __________.

7. --你太粗心竟然把我的书弄脏了。


---It was careless of you to have got my book dirty.

---_______ ________ _________, I’m very sorry.

8. 如果可能的话,我会如期参加会议的。

_________ _________,I will attend the meeting as __________.

9. 尽管我告戒他不要向我借钱,他就是不听。

He did ask me for money though I told him _______ ________.

10. 他尽可能花时间照顾他残疾的儿子。

He spends as much time as he can _________ ________his disabled son.


1.--I’ll be away on a business trip.Would you mind looking after my coat?

--Not at all,______.

A.I’ve no time      B.I’d rather not        C.I’d like it       D.I’d be happy to

2.—She must look a pretty girl.

--Yes,I imagine_____.

A.this   B.that      C.it       D.so

3.—What do you think made Tom unhappy?

--______his new bicycle again.

A.As he lost         B.Lost        C.Losing  D.Because of losing

4.This is an illness that may result in total blindness if_______.

A.being left untreated                    B.left untreated

C.not left trrating                           D.not having left untreated

5.I had invited 50 guests to the party,but actually twice_____came.

A.more than          B.as many            C.as much         D.less than

6.—We are going to dig a deep well in our village.

---What _______?

A.by              B.of              C.with            D.at

7.—Will you go to attend the party tonight?


A.even if invited        B.if invited         C.after inviting to  D.until invited

8.—Are therer any English story-books for us students in the library?

---There are only a few,______.

A.if any          B.if have            C.if some         D.if has


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