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在全球经济体系中,英文成为重要的沟通语言,要与世界接轨,流利的口语能力势将成为重要的关键,以下是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的高中二年级英语上册期中考试试题,希望可以解决您所遇到的相关问题,加油,威廉希尔app 一直陪伴您。





Ⅰ. 听说考试:角色扮演。(共8题,每题1分,共8分)


Role Play:In this part you will act as a role and complete three communicative tasks: listen to the speaker, ask the speaker three questions and then answer five questions.

Step 1. Now please listen to the speaker.


角色:你是Mr. Marten



Step 2. Please get ready to ask three questions in English according to the following tips.

Question 1) 我以前的钥匙怎么办?______________________________________________

Question 2) 出租车明天早上七点半能到这儿吗?__________________________________

Question 3) 去那儿要多长时间?________________________________________________

Step 3. Please get ready to answer five questions in English.

1. Please get ready to answer the first question.


2. Please get ready to answer the second question.


3. Please get ready to answer the third question.


4. Please get ready to answer the fourth question.


5. Please get ready to answer the fifth question.


Ⅱ. 单项填空(共17小题;每小题1分,满分17分)


9. When she heard the sad news of her family, the lady ________.

A. broke down        B. broke out          C. broke up          D. broke into

10. We regret to inform you that there are no tickets ________ for Friday’s performance.

A. available          B. useful             C. convenient         D. affordable

11. Outside the school _______ crowds of students, ______ to know the results of the exam.

A. stand; too anxious   B. stand; too excited   C. stands; very worried  D. stands; eager enough

12. ________ in the cage for half a day, the bird became hungry.

A. Being kept         B. Having kept        C. Having been kept    D. Have been kept

13. _______ good and sweet, this kind of apple was soon sold out in the market.

A. Tasted            B. Tasting            C. Having been tasted   D. Being tasted

14. _______ of the heavy burden of homework, the children rushed out of the classroom and enjoyed themselves.

A. To be free          B. Freeing           C. To free             D. Freed

15. The place _______ the bridge is supposed to be built should be _______ the cross-river traffic is the heaviest.

A. which; where       B. at which; which     C. at which; where      D. which; in which

16. — __________ do you like the film tonight?

— Better than __________.

A. How; expected     B. What; expected       C. How; to expect      D. What; to expected

17. — Guess what! I have got A for my term paper.

— Great! You ______ read widely and put a lot of work into it.

A. must             B. should              C. must have         D. should have

18. They covered the body of the little hero with a flag, leaving his face_________.

A. to expose           B. exposing            C. exposed          D. expose

19. The old couple have been married for 40 years and never once _______ with each other.

A. they had quarreled             B. they have quarreled

C. have they quarreled            D. had they quarreled

20. You can’t imagine what great trouble they have _________ the problem_______.

A. to solve; being talked about     B. solving; discussing

C. to solve; to talk about          D. solving; being discussed

21. The shopkeeper did not want to sell for ______ he thought was not enough.

A. where              B. how                C. what             D. which

22. I still remember __________ chess in class by my teacher about twenty years ago.

A. to be caught to play            B. being caught playing

C. catching play                 D. having caught playing

23. All the teachers discussed the plan that they would like to see __________ in the next school year.

A. carry out            B. carried out           C. to carry out       D. be carrying out

24. I was on the highway when this car went past followed by a police car. They ______ at least 150 kilometers an hour.

A. should have been doing       B. must have been doing

C. could have done             D. would have done

25. He talks about Rome as if he _________there before.

A. were                B. had been            C. has been           D. was

Ⅲ. 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


Once upon a time a king, in the company of his ministers, went to the imperial garden for a walk. When he was walking around a pond, a strange idea 26 upon him and he asked, “How many buckets(桶) of water are there in the pond?” The ministers looked at each other,  27 to give an answer.

Rather 28 , the king ordered, “You have three days’ grace. Any one who offers an answer will be handsomely awarded. Those who fail will be 29 .”

The time limit was due in the twinkling(闪烁)of an eye, yet the ministers were still at their wit’s end. At this time a child appeared who declared that he knew the answer. The king told his 30 ministers to go with the child for the measurement. To their 31 , the child refused the suggestion with a smile, “It is very easy. No 32 to go to the pond.” This made the king laugh 33 ,  “Alright, let us know what it is.” The child winked (眨眼) and said, “That 34 on the size of the bucket. If it is as big as the pond, there is one bucket of water; if it is half as big, two buckets; if one third as big, three buckets; if...” “Stop! That’s it. You’ve got the 35 .” The king was satisfied and the child was duly rewarded.

Why did the ministers feel it so different to settle the problem? Because they fell in a pitfall (陷阱), following a wrong way of thinking. People’s thinking often goes a habitual way — the beaten track of straightforwardness. 36  is a static (静态的) way presupposing every object definite and certain, i.e. the size of the pond and the bucket should be clearly 37 . If one of them is unknown, it will be difficult to do the measurement, let alone 38 . Why not change your mode of thought — from static to dynamic(动态的), from concrete to 39  ? If you adopt an indirect way and try to find out the proportional relation between the pond and the bucket, you’ll get an answer — flexible yet 40 to solve the problem.

Sometimes to get out of the difficulty one must change one’s way of thinking, or simply change one’s approach towards a problem.

26. A. fixed           B. focused           C. came            D. looked

27. A. struggling       B. thinking           C. falling          D. failing

28. A. disappointed     B. excited            C. pleased         D. contented

29. A. killed          B. punished           C. blamed         D. scolded

30. A. exciting        B. amazing            C. surprising       D. trembling

31. A. doubt          B. surprise            C. envy           D. delight

32. A. good           B. use              C. need             D. wonder

33. A. wonderfully     B. joyfully           C. cheerfully         D. doubtfully

34. A. decides         B. depends          C. calls              D. looks

35. A. award          B. reward            C. answer           D. number

36. A. This           B. That              C. It                D. Such

37. A. marked         B. measured          C. signed           D. known

38. A. another         B. other              C. one             D. both

39. A. detailed         B. easy              C. simple           D. abstract

40. A. acceptable      B. available           C. adequate         D. proper

Ⅳ. 阅读(共两节,满分50分)

第一节 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)



Last year, I lived in Chile for half a year. I lived with a Chilean family and had the responsibilities of any Chilean teenager. I had good days and bad days I didn’t understand.

Chuquicamata, my host community, is a mining camp. When I arrived there, I was scared. It was so different from what I was used to. There were lots of dogs on the streets, and there was no downtown, few smoothly paved streets, and little to do for entertainment. Rain was not seen very often, earthquakes and windstorms were frequent.

I had studied Spanish for two and a half years and was always one of the best students in my class. But in my first week in Chile I was only able to communicate and needed one person to whom I could explain my shock. I couldn’t speak the thoughts in my head and there were so many.

Most exchange students experience this like me. Culture shock presents itself in everything from increased aggression (敌对心理) towards the people to lack of appetite(食欲). I was required to overcome all difficulties.

As time passed, everything changed. I began to forget words in English and to dream in Spanish and love Chilean food. I got used to not depending on expensive things for fun. Fun in Chuquicamata was being with people. And I took math, physics, chemistry, biology, Spanish, art, and philosophy.

But the sacrifices were nothing compared to the gain. I learned how to accept and to succeed in another culture. I now have a deeper understanding of both myself and others.

41. The author came to Chile last year with the purpose of ________.

A. paying a visit to Chile as a tourist             B. experiencing Chilean life as a teacher

C. studying Chilean culture as a college student    D. studying knowledge as an exchange student

42. On arriving in Chile, why did the author feel frightened?

A. Because he did not know how to get along with the local people.

B. Because it was full of dangers like earthquakes and windstorms.

C. Because its living conditions were worse than what he was used to.

D. Because it was not convenient for him to shop there.

43. In the first week in Chile the author _ _______.

A. was not used to eating Chilean food     B. had some friends to have a chat with

C. couldn’t communicate with people      D. couldn’t express his thoughts in English

44. What did the author most probably think of his life in Chile?

A. Wonderful and worthwhile            B. Difficult but meaningful

C. Difficult and meaningless             D. Boring and disappointing

45. According to the passage, which of the following statements about Chile is TRUE?

A. its official language is Spanish and English.

B. It is a developing country without foreign students.

C. It seldom rains and natural disasters often happen.

D. Most Chileans are not friendly to foreigners.


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