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时量:120分钟  分值:120分

Part One  Listening Comprehension(20 marks)


Directions: In this section, you’ll hear 6 conversations between 2 speakers. For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by 3 choices. Listen to the conversation carefully and then answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter (A, B or C) on the question booklet.

You will hear each conversation TWICE.

Conversation 1

1.Where does the woman live?

A.18 Grand Avenue.      B. 88 Grand Avenue       C. 88 Green Avenue

2.How did the thief break in?

A.Through the window.     B. Through the back door.  C. Through the front door.

Conversation 2

3. What does the man think of the woman’s performance?

A.It’s great               B.It’s just so-so           C.It’s terrible

4. What will be the change in the woman’s job?

A.She will have a lower payment   B.She will often work overtime

C. She will work abroad

Conversation 3

5.Where does this conversation take place?

A.At the man’s office   B.At an office supply store   C.At the speaker’s house

6.What will the woman do?

A.Buy something for the man.  B.Print something out.  C.Read an article.

Conversation 4

Where is the man’s red tie?

A. On the bed .  B.On the top drawer. C.On the sofa.

8. What else is the man looking for except the red tie?

A. His watch.      B. His cell phone.        C. His wallet.

9. When will the party start?

A. At 6:45.  B.At 7:00.    C.At 8:00

Conversation 5

10. How long has the woman been living in the house?

A.For 23 years.       B. For 25years .         C. For 50 years .

11. Why dose the woman want to sell her house?

A. She is tired of living there.  B. She is short of money.   C.She wants to live abroad.

12. What do we know about the man?

A. He doesn’t like the house .  B. He hasn’t decided whether to buy the house.

C. He is seeing the house with his wife.

Conversation 6

13. What do we know about the man ?

A. He likes green car.     B.He just got a job as a postman.   C.He comes from China.

14. What does the woman think is more popular in China?

A. White cars.   B. Black cars.     C. Yellow cars.

15. What does red mean in Western countries?

A. Happiness    B. Anger.        C. Power.


Directions: In this section, you’ll hear a mini-talk. Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information you’ve got. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

You’ll hear the mini-talk TWICE.

An Invitation to a wedding

From Tracy & David

Place Rose Hill  ____16______ in Rockport, New Jersey

Time 2:00 p.m.,______17_____22

Routes .From New York City: Take Highway 7 heading  ______18_____

.From Pennsylvania: Take State Highway 17

Activities .Wedding reception at the nearby Park Lane Hotel at ____19_____p.m..

.Dinner around 6:00p.m. followed by _____20_____ until late

Part Two  Language  Knowledge(35marks)

Section A. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence. (15 marks)

21. I don’t mind ______the internet as long as it is not too late.

A. you to surf     B. your surfing

C. your surf     D. your to surf

22.-How do you like the weight-loss pills?

-They can’t help ______my weight and I can’t help ______them away.

A. losing, throwing    B. lose, throw

C. lose, throwing      D. losing, throw

23.Although we produce carbon when we breathe,the carbon we produce is much less than______produced by a car.

A. it         B.the one    C.what   D.that

24. The play had been on for 10 minutes but I was still unable to find a seat_____.

A. to sit    B. to sit on C. sit  D. sit on

25. _______many times , they succeeded _____ the experiment.

A. Having tried, in doing        B. Tried , in doing

C. Having tried, to do           D. Tried, to do

26. He fell off his bike and hurt his back. _____, he will have to stay in bed for long .

A. After all  B. In any case  C. As a result  D. In particular

27. Sandy could do nothing but _________that he was wrong.

A. admit  B. admitted  C. to admit   D. admitting

28. Helen had to shout ____above the sound of the music.

A. making herself heard   B. to make herself hear

C. making herself hear    D. to make herself heard

29. Cold has grown between them but he says he is not the one to____.

A.be blamed    B.being blamed  C.blame        D.blamed

30. What surprised me most was that there appeared a ____ look on her face on hearing the unexpected news.

A. worrying         B. worried        C. worry       D. worries

31. The limits of a person’s intelligence, generally speaking, are decided at birth, but ______ he reaches these limits will depend on his environment.

A. where    B. that    C. why   D. whether

32. Will you take part in the sports meeting ____next month?

A. to hold   B. being held   C. to be held   D. held

33. Can you imagine the difficulty the working poor have _____a flat in the big city?

A. to buy   B. buying   C. bought   D. buy

34. ______ maths can be difficult to learn , it is very useful to develop our thinking.

A. While  B. Since    C. As    D. For

35. My money ________so that I have to go to bank now.

A. has run out of     B. has been run out

C. has been run out of   D. have run out

Section B. Choose the best answer to fill each blank in the following passage.

(12 marks)

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C, and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

I break off a piece of candy and take pleasure in its sweet outside and the bitter, dark chocolate inside, thinking of my own life. Being raised by a single parent was a bitter-sweet 36 , which gave me motivation and ambition.

There were several years that have left a(n)  37   bitter taste in my mouth —those when my mother married a man and moved my sister, Emily, and me several states away from our hometown. The first few months were  38  : baseball games, family trips to the mall, dinners and movies together. Then things changed. Baseball became too expensive, and trips to the mall were  39  by days Emily and I spent isolated (孤立的) in our rooms under our stepfather’s    40   . Moreover, screaming matches between him and our mother always  41  dinner. We spent five years living in a family that had  42  a war zone. Emily and I almost grew used to this situation . Then one evening, after another argument had erupted , we left home. I was 14, my sister 11, and we were  43  .A friend of my mother let us stay with her.

Instead of focusing on our economic instability, my mother selflessly pushed me to struggle for success. She wanted me to lead a more  44  life than hers. She worked long hours every night to pay her bills.  45   , she would find time to read and play with Emily and me. Mom taught me the  46  of perseverance (坚持不懈) and education. We finally settled in Texas. And now, writing this essay with my favorite candy close at hand, I realize my family and I are at the best points of our lives. I haven’t let the trying times stop me from making  47   , both academically and personally. I know that a bitter environment can provide good learning experiences, and that success, even more than candy, is the sweetest treat of all.


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