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同学们,一定要加把劲努力复习了,以下就是由威廉希尔app 为您提供的资阳市高二下学期英语期末试题

My husband and I have been together for six years, and with him I had watched as his young children became young teenagers. They   41   say “I love you”, or even call me Mom. And I didn’t ask them to do this way, because I   42   that I couldn’t take the place of their real mother. When the children went to college, we quickly   43   an e-mail and chat-line service to keep in touch with them.

Late one evening, as my husband snoozed (打盹) and I was  44  my e-mail, an “instant message” from Margo, my stepdaughter, appeared on the screen. As we had done in the past, we sent several  45  back and forth, exchanging the latest news. That night she didn’t ask if it was me or her dad on the other end of the keyboard, and I didn’t  46  myself either. After a while, I commented that it was  47  and I should get to sleep. The return message read, “Okay, talk to you later! Love you!”

A wave of  48  ran through me, and I realized that she might have thought she was writing to her father. I  49  responded, “Love you, too! Have a good sleep!”

Then, Margo’s final message appeared, “Tell Dad ‘good night’ for me too.”

Suddenly, I realized that they’ve  50  me for so many years. It’s me who dare not to accept. I  51  the chatting record preciously. It often  52  me that the one to be loved should have courage, too.

41. A. never          B. usually         C. often          D. finally

42. A. doubted        B. knew          C. insisted         D. minded


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