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Facebook is a social website that attracted millions of members. But it seems that some people have something   53   to say about it. To them I have only this to say: stop, please!

A recent article blamed Facebook’s ability to ruin   54  , saying that it limits communication to typing and encourages people to spend far too much time with friends they have  55  met.

Having used Facebook since its first year, I find these arguments false. The simple truth is that these  56  are only a symptom of using Facebook too much. Like many things, it is only as  57  to your life and relationships as you allow it to be.

Facebook can be helpful. You can use Facebook to find friends who may have long ago  58  their e-mail addresses and phone numbers. You can find out what your old college friends are up to. You can  59  your friends on their latest birthday. You can also share articles and pictures you find interesting with your friends.

Sure, I had days when I  60  a little more time on Facebook than I should, but I’m not going to blame Facebook for my own fault. If Facebook were’t there, I would have found something else to waste time.

53. A. pleasant           B. new           C. interesting        D. bad

54. A. friendships         B. hopes         C. schools           D. feelings


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