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对学过的知识一定要多加练习,这样才能进步。因此,威廉希尔app 为大家整理了高二英语选择题专项训练,供大家参考。


1.Today, if you find something useful on the Internet, you can download and ____ it in your personal computer file.

A. save     B. spare    C. share    D. turn

2. The conference to be held in Beijing is of ____.

A. much important  B. very significant  C. great significance  D. very importance

3. He is not _____ to leave at once.

A. possible   B. probably   C. likely   D. possibly

4. It is _____ to the Chinese Academy of Sciences and more than ten famous universities, including Peking University and Tsinghua University.

A. home   B. house   C. family    D. place

5. Everybody here enjoyed the play,______ myself.

A. included   B. including to   C. including   D. which included[来源:Z,xx,k.Com]

6. He would like to ___ his teammates the secret how he beat his rival.

A. explain   B. say   C. tell    D. suggest

7. – That’s a beautiful coat in the window.

- It certainly is . If I had the money, _____ buy it.

A. I’d    B. I’ll     C. I may     D. I shall

8. -- _______ will go there with the boss?

-- Tom.

A. Do you think who     B. Do you think whom

C. Whom do you think    D. who do you think

9. There are three books here. We still need ____ books.[来源:Zxxk.Com]

A. three another      B. other three    C. three other    D. more three

10. You can give the book to ______ is on duty.

A. who    B. whom    C. whomever    D. whoever

11. My brother is the only one of the boys who ____ the work on time.

A. have finished   B. has finished   C. had finished   D. finish

12. The girl said she would do _____ she wanted to do.

A. the work what    B. that   c. what    D. how

13. ______ the teacher carefully in class does you much good.

A. Listen to   B. To listen    C. Listening    D. Listening to

14. The old man made ____ clear that he would retire soon.

A. that    B. this   C. it    D. them

15. When you ____ ypour own country again, you will feel very happy.

A. set feet in     B. set foot in     C. set foot on   D. set feet on

16. The meeting held yesterday was said to be _____.

A. a great success   B. great success    C. an success   D. great a success

17. The scientists spend as much time as they can ____ books.

A. read    B. to read     C. reading    D. buy

18. As a result, my brother succeeded ____ the radio but I failed _____ the TV set.

A. in repairing, in fixing     B. in repairing , to fix

C. to repair, to fix          D. repairing, fixing

19. – How about this kind of fruit?

-- Oh, this kind of fruit ___ lots of vitamin C and B.

A. remains    B. includes      C. contains    D. holds


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