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亲,就要考试了,怎么办呢?不要怕,编辑老师为各位考生编辑了绵阳中学高二英语上册调研测试题, 希望大家多看多做多练~


1 I don’t think the experiment is _________ failure. At least we have ___better understanding of the process.

A. a , a             B.a, the                   C. / ,a             D. / , the

2 The work is not very profitable________ cash, but I am getting valuable experience from it.

A. in need of          B.in favour of          C. in terms of       D. in search of

3. ________comfortably in his chair, the old man enjoyed music with his eyes half_________.

A.Seated, closed       B.sat, closing     C.seating,closed    D.sitting,close

4.The young man who _______ robbing the bank was arrested by the music.

A. was charged of  B.was accused of    C.charged with     D. accused with

5. “I don’t think it’s my_____that the TV blew up.I just turned it on, that’s all.” Said the boy.

A.error            B. mistake     C.fault          D.duty


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