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21.In the Qian dao hu Scenic Site, Mr. Green was so struck by ________ beauty of ________ nature that he        decided to stay there for another day.

A. /; /        B. /; the        C. the; /        D. the; the

22.---Do you mind if I open the window?   ----______I feel a bit cold.

A. Of course not.  B. I would rather you didn’t.  C. Go ahead .  D. Why not?

23. .Don't forget to take the_____ with you.

A . luggages  B .baggages  C .two pieces of luggage  D .two luggages

24. Our headmaster and maths teacher____ the class an ___ speech and the whole class __ at his words.

A. has given, inspiring, are moved         B. had given, inspiring, was moved

C. have given, inspired, are moved         D. have been given, inspired, is moved

25. ________ she will come to get her mails ,today or tomorrow ?


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