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在牢记知识点的同时也要多做题,对知识点进行巩固及强化,威廉希尔app 编辑为大家整理了2014-2015学年高二英语上学期期末试题,希望大家喜欢!


1. It is _____that he has been addicted to the drugs and has difficulty quitting it.

A. obviously       B. apparently       C. possibly        D. likely

2. The police looked into the case carefully and found the thief had entered the house ______ a ladder.

A. by the means     B. by all means    C. by ways of   D. by means of

3.Many students listened to the lecture, but I wondered how much they ______.

A. took out         B. took up        C. took off           D. took in

4. I’m told that you are going to Canada to have a three-month further study. Don’t let such a good chance to improve your English _____ through your fingers.

A. ski   B. spread   C. slip     D. skip

5. ------- What do you think of Harry, our new roommate?

------- I am not sure, but he is always asking ______ questions.

A. a great many of  B. a great many  C. a great number  D. a large amount of

6. I’ll never trust such a man ______ you described.

A. that         B. what       C. w hoever       D. as

7. I’m very sorry, I really don’t _________ you.

A. mean harm  B. mean to harm  C. mean harming   D. mean to be harmed

8. What do you think of his proposal _______ we ________ a play at the English party?

A. what; put up                 B. that; put on

C. which; put up                D. that; put off

9. I want to _______ a question to the chairman but in a moment I lost my nerve

A. ask          B. reply        C. rise      D. raise

10. He insisted that we ________ rest until we finished the work.

A. not        B. don’t       C. can’t        D. sho uld

11. I had no idea when and where ________..

A. it happened                     B. does it happen

C. it had happened                  D. had it happened

12. I really appreciate that your help is of great _________.

A. useful        B. value        C. important          D. worth

13. He made a promise ______ he would help me.

A. that         B. which    C. whether      D. why

14. Children can ________ a lot _________ this new kind of school system.

A. benefit; from    B. benefit; with   C. change; from    D. lose; from

15. A good teacher must _________ to his students how important a proper learning method is.

A. get through      B. get across       C. get away       D. get over


Dr. Baker was surprised to receive an invitation to the 2008 Medical Conference in London. He looked at his diary and found he would be free that week. He decided to __16__ the meeting, so he wrote to the conference __17__ that he would be there.

People who he knew __18__ the conference were __19__ to see him. The following morning, the main speaker didn’t appear. Her plane would be late __20__ bad weather. So the organizer asked if there was a Dr. Baker there and asked him to make himself __21__. Dr. Baker went up and offered him his help.

The organizer invited him to give a talk about DNA. But it happened that Dr. Baker knew __22__ about DNA. The organizer was so surprised to hear that __23__ he said everyone there knew he was an __24__ on the subject and read Peter Baker’s book “Introduction to DNA”. Dr Baker said that he was not Peter Baker, but David Baker, to be__25__.

16 A. join B. take part  C. attend D. come

17 A. said B. say C. and saying D. saying

18 A. at  B. of C. on D. with

19 A. excited  B. anxious  C. worried  D. surprised

20 A. because of B. because C. as D. of

21  A. knowing B. knew C. knownx

22 A. something B. nothing C. everything D. anything

23 A. what B. that C. then D. when

24 A. learner B. teacher C. expert D. professor

25 A. certain B. exactly C. certainly D. exact


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