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第 一 卷

第一部分  听力(共两节,满分30分)




例:How much is the shirt?

A.£19.15.                               B.£9.15.                                 C.£9.18.


1.Where may the conversation take place?

A.In a restaurant.                       B.In an office.                         C.At home.

2.Who may have the woman’s iPhone 4S?

A.The man.                                B.The head teacher.                  C.The librarian.

3.How is the contest?

A.Easy.                                    B.Exciting.                              C.Difficult.

4.What does the man imply?

A.The woman has a bad memory.

B.The woman is too proud.

C.The woman is so careless.

5.What did the woman do this morning?

A.She went to the cinema.

B.She met with an accident.

C.She went to see her brother.

第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)



6.When will the man go to the get-together?

A.This Thursday morning.

B.Next Thursday morning.

C.Next Thursday evening.

7.Why will the man hold the get-together?

A.To celebrate Mary’s coming back from abroad.

B.To grate the coming of Han Han.

C.To celebrate Mary’s birthday.

8.Where are the two speakers?

A.On the Internet.                      B.On the phone.                      C.On the plane.


9.What did the man eat?

A.Noodles with sea food.            B.Salad with sea food.             C.Rice with sea food.

10.What may be the relationship between the two speakers?

A.Doctor and patient.                B.Mother and son.                   C.Friends.

11.How did the man get the food?

A.The man bought it.                B.The woman cooked it.            C.The man cooked it.


12.What may be the relationship between the two speakers?

A.Employer and employee.        B.Teacher and student.               C.Clerk and customer.

13.What does the woman think of herself?

A.Fat.                                     B.Pretty.                                  C.Clever.

14.How long will the woman be trained?

A.A month.                              B.Half a year.                           C.A year.


15.What does the woman’s colleague advise?

A.The woman should manage the supermarket.

B.The woman should practice in the office of the hotel.

C.The woman should ask for a higher pay.

16.What does the woman study?

A.Hotel management.                B.Clothing design.                   C.Marketing.

17.What can we infer from the conversation?

A.The woman hasn’t graduated.

B.The woman has graduated.

C.The woman will leave the company.


18.How long will the flight take?

A.Three hours and five minutes.

B.Three hours and fifteen minutes.

C.Three hours and fifty minutes. http://www. xkb1.com

19.What is the average speed?

A.607km/h.                             B.617km/h.                              C.670km/h.

20.What may the passengers do during the flight?

A.Use cell phones.                   B.Smoke.                                 C.Use laptop computers.第二部分  英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节  单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


例:It is generally considered unwise to give a child        he or she wants.

A.however                 B.whatever                C.whichever               D.whenever


21.The book is aimed        globe travelers rather than the one-trip-a-year holiday ones.

A.for                         B.of                         C.to                           D.at

22.I didn’t see the 3D film Hugo, or I        you about it.

A.had told                  B.would have told       C.must have told        D.told

23.By        me that no good could come of staying, the policeman persuaded me to leave.

A.adopting                B.attempting              C.predicting             D.convincing

24.______ was very_______ that little Tom wrote the letter.

A. It ; careful                B. It ; carefully             C. He ; careful                     D. He ; carefully

25.There is not much I can say that        the love I hold for Jay Chou, my favorite pop star.

A.conveys                                                     B.has conveyed

C.will convey                                               D.conveyed 

26.Some students believe that they must read every text slowly and carefully,       every unknown word and stopping to worry about it.

A.underline                                                        B.underlining

C.underlined                                                 D.to underline

27.It was in the factory______ his friend worked_______ he picked up a lot of experience.

A. where ; where           B. that ; where                     C. that ; that                 D. where ; that

28.Frankly speaking, I really hate        when I get a lot of junk e-mails.

A.it                           B.that                       C.these                      D.them

29.John didn’t think he was getting what was coming to him,        he stopped the job.

A.if                           B.for                       C.so                          D.after

30.The teams decided to play        game out in        spite of the failing light.

A.the; a                            B.the; the                  C.the; 不填               D.不填; 不填

31.According to the news, a(n)        driver carelessly ran into and damaged a family car on a highway.

A.ashamed                B.random                  C.opposed                D.awkward

32.Sydney promised her that he would always do anything he could for her to_______ of her happiness.

A. making sure             B. be sure                     C. being sure                D. make sure

33.Could you tell me that        that makes you never give up when you are working on the entertainment?

A.what it is                B.what is it                C.it is what                D.is it what

34.The manager was about to leave        his secretary called him back.

A.and                        B.before                   C.when                      D.until

35.Recently, more than three thousand students guaranteed        they would be far away from net bars in Zhangjiajie city, Hunan Province.

A.when                      B.what                      C.whether                  D.that

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第二节  完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36~55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。w!w!w.!x!k!b!1.com 新|课 |标|第  |一| 网

I was walking home from work on a busy city street with lots of people. At that time, I wasn’t

36  going home, because my friends was  37  with their own business and weren’t able to spend time lazily with me. It’s then when I  38  past a homeless person that I hadn’t  39  before. He was moving back and forth to stay  40 , and very gently asking for some  41 . His words for money were so quiet that I could  42 hear him.

Something made me stop, turn around, an d walk up to him. All the while  43 thoughts w hirled (回旋)around in my head like, “What do you think you’re doing?” “You’re  44 , it’s dark out and you’re a woman.” Before I knew what I was  45  I asked him if he had had dinner yet and would he like to  46  me at a nearby restaurant. He said he hadn’t eaten and he would like to.  47 , he walked with me a few yards to the restaurant and  48  the door open for me as we entered.

He asked for the smallest thing on the  49  but I ordered a larger meal and I explained that the

50  wasn’t worth worrying about. We had a good dinner and a pleasant  51  about everyday things like where we grew up and what kind of music we liked. All the time I just hoped to say the

52  thing and to give him the  53  everyone deserves. I didn’t want to be like the case that I was better than anybody.

I was so grateful for this experience. I may not have met my friends that evening but I met an unexpected friend and the experience  54  my life. It will make me think twice i n future before I

55  about something I think I lack.  新-课-标-第- 一-网

36.A.keeping away from  B.putting off                     C.insisting on           D.looking forward to

37.A.easy                       B.busy                     C.careful                    D.satisfied

38.A.walked                  B.looked                   C.came                      D.turned

39.A.felt                      B.known                    C.seen                      D.heard

40.A.warm                    B.cold                      C.cool                       D.hot

41.A.food                       B.kisses                    C.hugs                       D.change

42.A.happily                   B.hopefully                      C.hardly                   D.sadly

43.A.merry                     B.anxious                  C.boring                 D.touching

44.A.alone                     B.lonely                    C.kind                       D.excellent

45.A.asking                    B.thinking                 C.saying                   D.finding

46.A.join                       B.invite                           C.take                        D.bring

47.A.However                B.Besides                  C.Anyhow                 D.Therefore

48.A.knocked                 B.pushed                    C.held                      D.threw

49.A.table                      B.dish                        C.menu                    D.plate

50.A.income                   B.price                     C.tip                          D.service

51.A.lunch                            B.speech                   C.discussion               D.conversation

52.A.wrong                    B.right                     C.good                      D.bad

53.A.respect                   B.money                   C.help                       D.worry

54.A.destroyed                B.kept                       C.changed                D.made

55.A.learn                      B.quarrel                  C.think                      D.complain


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