【摘要】高中生各科考试,各位考生都在厉兵秣马,枕戈待旦,把自己调整到最佳“作战状态”。在这里威廉希尔app 为各位考生整理了高中高二英语下册期末考试试卷练习,希望能够助各位考生一臂之力,祝各位考生金榜题名,前程似锦!!
I. 单词拼写
1.Sometimes _________(顾客) can benefit from advertisements.
2.The boss and his employees have _________(分享)in the profits in the past 20 years.
3.I was told that he had made an unpleasant c________¬¬¬ about my speech.
4.Do you have any idea how to p__________ this product?
5.As an advertiser, a person may be very c__________.
6.An advertisement provides information by using p_________ language.
7.The movie is i_________ for adults only.
8.A teacher is a person who e________ his students.
9.My parents were very s__________ with my study.
10. It usually takes great___________(想象力), warmth and patience to do such a dull job.
11. Different people always __________(反应) to the same advertisement in a different way.
12. The dresses are not____________(可得到的) in your size, I am afraid.
13.Don’t play t__________ on the poor old man, for he seems a stranger here.
14. In order to promote a product or a service, businessmen often use different forms of a_____________ on the radio or TV.
15. After the star’s excellent performance on the stage, the a____________ all burst into cheers.
16. Only by working hard can you reach the g________ you have already set.
17. Few people have mastered the a__________ to solve the problem of the matter.
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