第一节 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
Miss Maynell and I grew to know each other through the mail. When World War II ended, I returned from Europe. We planned our first meeting at the Grand Central Station in New York.
At seven, I was in the station and waited for the girl whose heart I loved but whose face I’d never seen.
Suddenly a girl in a green suit was coming toward me. I stood up from the bench and started toward her, completely forgetting to notice that she was not wearing a rose.
“Going my way, sailor?” the girl murmured(低语), walking away quickly. I made one step closer to her and then I saw Miss Maynell, who was well past 40, standing almost directly behind her with a red rose. I felt something even better than love. I didn’t hesitate and walked to her. “I’m John Blanchard, and you must be Miss Maynell,” I said, feeling shocked by the bitterness of disappointment. “I’m glad you could meet me. May I take you to dinner?”
The woman smiled. “I don’t know what this is about.” she answered. “But the young lady in the green suit begged me to wear this rose. And she said if you were to invite me to dinner, I should tell you that she is waiting for you in a big restaurant across the street. She said it was some kind of test!”
41. What did John Blanchard go to the station for?
A. To see the middle-aged woman.
B. To meet his lover as planned.
C. To invite the woman with a rose to dinner.
D. To wait for a girl from Europe.
42. How could John Blanchard recognize the girl?
A. By her green suit B. By her red rose
C. By her beautiful face D. By her pictures
43. What do we know about the middle-age woman with a rose?
A. She was Miss Maynell’s close friend.
B. She was a doctor in the hospital.
C. She was probably a passer-by.
D. She was John Blanchard’s mother.
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