11. A. happy B. sad C. glad D. delighted
12. A. hand B. cheek C. head D. shoulder
13. A. smiled B. asked C. ran D. cried
14. A. put B. caught C. kept D. held
15. A. warm B. cloudy C. cold D. hot
16. A. paid B. answered C. accounted D. applied
17. A. Sunday B. holiday C. Monday D. birthday
18. A. share B. discuss C. support D. send
19. A. expected B. managed C. failed D. decided
20. A. clothes B. books C. medicine D. caps
21. A. experience B. practice C. experiment D. discovery
22. A. discussed B. agreed C. argued D. debated
23. A. secret B. wonder C. news D. pride
24. A. touched B. heard C. smelt D. felt
25. A. sadness B. happiness C. coldness D. worry
第二节 语法填空 (共15小题,每小题l分,满分15分)
26. I couldn’t concentrate ______ my work with so much noise outside.
27. Don’t open that bottle. There is ________ (poison) gas in it.
28.______ (give) more time, he will do it better.
29. The boy wanted to find ______ useful way to solve the problem.
30. I’m afraid that I can’t put ______ hands on the book you want.
31. He _______ (accuse) that he stole money from the shop by the shop owner.
32. Mary _______ (fall) ill because she was caught in the heavy rain yesterday..
33. Frick beautiful home and garden are well worth ______ (visit).
34. His first speech as president made a deep ______ (impress) on his audience.
35. The people ______ (invite) to the party were from London.
36. When the football fans saw Beckham, they got so excited _______ they cried out.
37. _______ is obvious that they don’t make full use of the chance.
38. _______ interested me most was her excellent performance.
39. He _______ (brave) went into the burning house to rescue the baby.
40. The number of people who attended the meeting last night _______ (be) 200.
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