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【摘要】威廉希尔app 的编辑就为各位学生带来了高中2014年高二英语第二学期期末考试题分析


1. What is the man going to do this evening?

A. Go to a bookstore. B. See a play. C. Stay at the hotel.

2. What does the woman suggest?

A. A comedy. B. A story. C. A movie.

3. What will the woman do?

A. Take them to the theatre. B. Book tickets for them.

C. Thank the man for the tip.


4. What does the man like to do after work?

A. Play table tennis and golf, and go for a run.

B. Play tennis and golf, and go fishing.

C. Play tennis and golf, and go for a run.

5. How often does the man play golf?

A. About once a week. B. About once a month. C. About once a year.

第二节 听取信息 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


II 语言知识与应用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


On the night of my birthday, I went with my mom to the nearest drug store to buy vitamins(维生素). Even though it was my birthday, I was feeling 11 and a bit lonely. Maybe I missed my dad who died four years ago, I just wanted him to be beside me that day.

On my way to the drug store, I was crying. When I arrived there, I cleaned my 12

up from the tears and tried to 13 when I ordered the vitamins my mom wanted to buy. While I was waiting, I looked around the building and I 14 sight of a beggar(乞丐) next to the door. She was with her son, a cute(可爱的) little boy. They were sitting on the street. Although it was in winter at the moment and I still felt 15 with my coat, I noticed that the child was just wearing an old T-shirt. I felt sorry for them. When I 16 for my vitamins, I glanced at them and had an idea. “Why don’t I contribute some of my smaller clothes to them? Today is my 17 .” I thought to myself. I had to 18 something with someone else that day. Yeah, I 19 that I had to do that. I went home in a hurry and I felt so excited as I looked for some of my smaller 20 .

At home, I told my mom my 21 and told her my idea. My mom 22 with me. I found a few clothes and went back to the drug store. When I got there, I didn’t hand the clothing over myself. I wanted it to be a 23 , so I asked someone to hand the clothes over, then I left. As I left, I 24 someone saying “thank you!” and I hoped it was for me.

On the road, my heart was full of 25 and warmth. I felt glad that I could share something on my birthday and that was a big gift for me.


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