Title: Happiness
I. 71. ________
a feeling of absolute satisfaction of being where you should be, getting what you want and needing little else
II. Differences
◆ Pleasure
● be 72. ________
● result from happy experiences
◆ 73. ________
● be more lasting
● be the aggregate of a number of experiences
III. 74. ________
● a good job or a satisfying relationship
● the ability to 75. ________ calmly
IV. 76. ________
● make people more successful, 77. ________
● make people healthier and stronger
● make a person 78. ________
● make a person collect more friends and have greater chances to develop successful
79. ________
V. Suggestion
Take active control of the good part of your happiness to live a more
80. ________ life
Section Bw.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m
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