66. What does the text mainly talk about?
A. What creates our emotions. B. How to judge outside events.
C. What makes us feel unhappy. D. How to achieve peace of mind.
67. What makes us unhappy according to the text?
A. Terrible circumstances. B. Daily life and experiences.
C. That we judge events as negative. D. That the event goes badly.
68. Which of the following is TRUE of people’s judgments?
A. They make people happy. B. Most of them are not accurate.
C. They are negative in most cases. D. Usually over 40% of them are right.
69. What does “the point” refer to in the fifth paragraph?
A. Negative experiences always turn out to be positive finally.
B. We should keep optimistic when something bad happens.
C. Refusing to judge things as bad makes a great deal of sense.
D. The consequences of events have little to do with our judgments.
70. If we want to keep happy, we should ________.
A. not do anything to affect events
B. accept different judgments from others
C. stop judging quickly how events will turn out
D. not judge events when they are going smoothly
Directions: Read the following passage. Complete the notes by using the information for the passage. Write NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS for each answer. (10 points)
Happiness is an emotion which is characterized by a feeling of absolute satisfaction. It is the feeling of being where you should be, getting what you want and needing little else.
It is easy to confuse happiness with pleasure. But the two aren’t one. Pleasure is intense and continues for a short time. Happiness lasts longer. Pleasure can result from any number of happy experiences. For example you get pleasure from eating your favorite chocolate or reading a fantastic book. Take away the experience and pleasure ends. On the other hand, happiness is the aggregate of a number of experiences.
What makes a person happy? Different people get happiness in different ways. For some, it comes from having a good job or a satisfying relationship. For others, it could be the ability to deal with life’s challenges with calmness. Whatever the source is, one thing is certain: happiness is an attitude. It is the way of thinking that enables you to interpret things in a positive way. It is that particular feeling that puts a smile on your face, for no apparent reason.
Happiness affects every aspect of a person’s life. Happier people are generally more successful, more productive and more balanced. They are healthier and stronger physically as well as emotionally. A happier person has a longer life, collects more friends and has greater chances of developing successful relationships with those around him.
Happiness is the net result of many factors, of which 40% is within your control. Your thoughts, actions and goals, for example, are your own. You can choose to interpret an experience as enrichment, if you wish to do so. This, in turn, increases your happiness, so a good part of happiness can be controlled. By taking active control of this you can lead a more successful and satisfying life.
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