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61. The passage is mainly about ________.

A. a child B. a school C. a teacher D. a disease

62. Which of the following is necessary to help children with ADHD according to the passage?

A. Taking them to see doctors more often.

B. Parents’ spending more time caring for them.

C. Parents, doctors and schools’ working together.

D. Choosing the best primary school for them.

63. The teachers in Fairfield Primary School ________.

A. don’t like children with excess energy

B. are good at dealing with many diseases

C. create a good environment for parents

D. care about all the children with ADHD

64. How do the teachers deal with students with excess energy?

A. By punishing and criticizing them. B. By asking them to play games.

C. By forcing them to listen to them. D. By giving them a strict environment.

65. Who is the passage written for?

A. Teachers. B. Children. C. Doctors. D. Parents.


Most of us believe that emotions come from what happens outside of ourselves. In fact, it’s not the outside events but what we do with those outside events in our mind that causes us to be happy or unhappy.

Obviously, if it was only the event that was creating our emotions, we all would have the same reaction to any event or circumstance. Actually, it’s the way we understand it, or more correctly put the way we judge the event that matters. When we judge an event as positive to us, we have a positive emotion. If we judge the event to be something negative, the emotion we generate is negative.

Our ability to judge how events will eventually work out has been proven scientifically to be at best 60% correct and in most cases less than 30%. That means we have only a 30 to 40 percent chance of being right in how we judge something. The truth is that we are very poorly equipped to judge the consequences of events accurately.

Every day some people tell us that unfortunate events, disease or a lot of negative experiences were the best things that could have happened to them. Now of course some of you may say these people were optimistic and just retell the event to find a good way of looking at it. This way of looking at it is missing the point.

If judging things is what causes us to label them positive or negative and this in turn makes us happy or unhappy, then refusing to judge things as bad benefits us a lot.

Peace of mind and happiness can be achieved by simply accepting something that is totally true. We can’t judge if something is going to be good or bad for us in the future. If we are to be happy most of the time, we need to stop judging events moment to moment.


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