56. Where was the young penguin supposed to be?
A. On the sunny beach. B. Near Antarctica.
C. Inside the hole in the ice. D. At the bottom of the ocean.
57. Why did many New Zealanders keep their dogs away from the penguin?
A. In order not to frighten him. B. In order not to make a noise.
C. In order to watch him at a distance D. In order to learn about the animal.
58. What was the problem with Happy Feet?
A. He felt extremely lonely. B. He had trouble walking on the sand.
C. He had some sand in his stomach. D. He had no food to eat all the way.
59. The public collected some money to ________.
A. build a home for the penguin B. pay for an operation on the penguin C. do research on the penguin D. return the penguin to its natural habitat
60. Where can we most probably read this passage?
A. In a research paper. B. In a student’s book.
C. In a travel magazine. D. In a newspaper report.
If a child has a learning problem before he leaves the Second or Third Grade, it’s difficult for him to study well. ADHD(注意力缺乏多动症)is one of the most common learning disabilities. Even with parents and doctors working together without schools’ help, it is very hard to get rid of the disability. Sadly, even today, there are many schools that don’t know how to deal with the children with these disabilities.
Fairfield Primary School is a good place for children that have been diagnosed with ADHD. The teachers really care about all of their students and they are willing to work with parents and doctors in order to help these children. When they see the child want to act up(捣蛋) in class, they usually give the child something physical to do in order to get rid of the excess(过多的) energy. They never punish the child for something that is beyond the child’s control.
Overall, Fairfield Primary School has all of things that a child with ADHD needs. They provide interesting class games for the child’s excess energy. They also provide the school rules the child needs. They give the child a caring environment where they are not kept apart because they are different. This is a very good school for a child who is suffering from one or more of these problems.
We believe your child with ADHD can learn, change and succeed if they come to study in Fairfield Primary School.
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