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【摘要】威廉希尔app 高中频道的编辑就为您准备了高中2014年高二英语下学期期末测试题


1. After living so many years with the old man, Tom felt a great affection _____ him.

A. for B with C. in D. by

2. –Would you like some more soup?

--______. It is delicious, but I’ve had enough.(2006, 重庆)

A. Yes, please. B. No, thank you. C. Nothing more. D. I’d like some.

3. The meeting was ____________ when the chairman fell ill.

A. cut down B. cut out C. cut off D. cut short

4. They rushed over to help the old man whose car had __________

A. broken down B broken up C. broken out D. broken in

5. That scary movie was so ___________ that Mark felt ___________ at the thought of it.

A. terrified, frightened B terrifying, frightening C. terrifying, frightened D terrified, frightening

6. Owing to a strange __________ disease he forgot his own name.

A. mental B. medal C. metal D. model

7. Many politicians are totally out of _______ with the needs of ordinary people.

A. sound B voice C tune D noise

8. Does the idea of working abroad ________ you?

A. apply for B appeal to C anchor in D. affect to

9. To learn English well, we should develop a habit of reading English _________ every morning.

A. aloud B. loudly C. loud D. aloudly


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