34. What can be the best title for this passage?
A. The Traffic Condition on 16th Street
B. The Cause of Bus Traffic Jams on 16th Street.
C. A possible solution to bus traffic Jams on 16th Street.
D. How to Avoid Transiting A Bus on 16th Street
It will soon be time to set out to plant tomatoes, an act one performs when the weather has settled. That means warm soil, proper night temperatures and no risk of a sudden reversion to winter.
I no longer believe in settled weather. In the current age of climate confusion, a backup plan is always an essential part of a gardener’s intention for an ideal tomato harvest.
Where tomatoes are concerned, the best crop insurance is to root some extras from cuttings(剪枝). It can take a couple of months to grow garden-ready tomato plants from seed(种子), but cuttings can be ready to go in a few weeks. Yes, you could pick up some starts at a garden center, but it’s hard to find strong ones in good condition.
Instead, buy one tomato plant, and turn it into many. Tomatoes root very quickly and easily. All you do is remove a tiny branch about 6 inches tall off the main stem(茎), carefully cut off all but the top two leaves, plant the tiny branch in a pot, and wait.
Roots will emerge along the stem and new growth will soon appear if kept damp, warm and out of direct sunlight.
If you have never rooted stem cuttings before, you will have gained not only a tomato crop but also a skill that you can now apply to other plants in your garden, both edible and ornamental(装饰性的). Tomato relatives such as peppers and eggplants can be similarly rooted, as can many herbs, especially those in the mint family.
35. The underlined word “reversion” in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ____.
A. return B. punishment C. embarrassment D. temperature
36. Why a backup plan is strongly suggested to guarantee an ideal tomato harvest?
A. Because the more plans there are, the more successful the harvest will be.
B. Because the author no longer believes in weather forecast.
C. Because gardeners are fond of essential climate confusion.
D. Because the weather can be changeable unexpectedly.
37. What is the correct order to root a tomato properly according to passage?
a. carefully cut off all but the top two leaves
b. kept the pot damp, warm and out of direct sunlight.
c. buy a tomato plant at a garden center
d. plant the tiny branch in a pot
e. remove a tiny branch about 6 inches tall off the main stem
f. roots will emerge along the stem and new growth will soon appear
A. c-e-a-d-b-f B. d-f-a-c-b-e C. a-d-c-b-e-f D. c-a-d-e-f-b
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