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This is what 16th Street looks like on a typical weekday morning. Good luck while driving on it. It doesn’t make any difference whether you’re a bus rider or car driver.

Changing this mess of buses with a transit(中转) lane could speed up traffic for everyone. More than half of all people traveling on 16th Street at rush hour use the bus. It’s D.C.’s most successful bus corridor. But that success comes with a problem: There are so many buses that they just join together and form bus traffic jams.

That’s a problem for both bus riders and car drivers. Instead of being able to catch a bus every two minutes, transit riders have to wait a long time for a line of several buses to arrive all together, almost like a single long train. Most of the buses are full, but eventually one near the end of the “train” may have enough room for more passengers to board.

That’s inefficient, because it slows down the line, reduces overall capacity and adds unnecessary operating expense. And it’s just as bad for car drivers. Imagine being stuck behind that line of buses in a car. That’s a traffic jam, with no ways to avoid it.

And this is why a bus lane on 16th Street could potentially help everyone. If that bus traffic jam can be streamlined into a bus lane, buses will move faster and stay better organized, and cars won’t have to compete with slow lines of disorganized buses driving into every lane.

In theory, the District Department of Transportation should be able to add a bus lane without losing any car lanes. But even if lose a car lane is necessary, that still may improve car traffic simply by reducing bus jams.

It’s worth trying.

31. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. A transit lane will probably slow down traffic for everyone.

B. Only half of all people traveling on 16th Street at rush hour use the bus.

C. 16th Street makes it possible for D.C. to be the most successful bus corridor.

D. Bus congestion is so common that it’s now quite a concern on 16th Street.

32. If you were a transit rider, how would you get on a bus more successfully?

A. By waiting for about two minutes at the bus stop.

B. By rushing to the bottom of the line of the buses at the bus stop.

C. By waiting a long time for a line of several buses to arrive.

D. By boarding a single long train at the bus stop.

33. What does the author really mean when he says “It’s worth trying.”?

A. It’s beneficial to add a bus lane on 16th Street.

B. It’s worth trying to catch a bus on 16th Street.

C. It’s worth losing a car lane on 16th Street.

D. It’s hard to solve the problem on 16th Street.


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