During my teenage years, my dad jokingly told me that he thought I was going to be clear-sighted because I pointed at him whenever he asked me where the 11
Dad 12 spoiled(宠爱)me, but he did buy me nice things for my birthday. Despite my father’s 13 schedule, we still 14 time with each other— walking and chatting, and so on.
His father died when he was very young. To make ends meet, the family except him had to find work to 15 . When he was in grade school, his mother couldn’t
16 to buy him new 17 , so he 18 walk to school in his bare feet. In spite of these, he 19 from high school at the top of his class.
Dad loved 20 and always looked for opportunities to educate himself. One day, when my father was 16 and out of work, a priest (牧师) saw him sitting under a tree 21 in a book. After hearing Dad’s story, the priest 22 him to Baguio Colleges as a working student. He also gave Dad a 23 as a door-keeper at a local church.
24 to the priest, Dad got his Bachelor of Arts degree, then went on to study 25 . Dad studied very hard. He went on to become a(an) 26 lawyer.
He is now president of the College of Law of a University.
Most importantly, my dad gave our family a life he didn’t have during his
27 days. He showed his love and support in many 28 . Like a light, he
29 with dignity and respect because of his achievements, maintaining our family as a close unit with love and faith.
“Where’s the light?” when asked, I just 30 , and point at him.
11. A. birthday B. joke C. thing D. light
12. A. always B. never C. frequently D. usually
13. A. busy B. flexible C. loose D. merry
14. A. took B. saved C. spent D. wasted
15. A. survive B. succeed C. meet D. enjoy
16. A. deserve B. attempt C. fail D. afford
17. A. hats B. shoes C. clothes D. gloves
18. A. might B. should C. would D. could
19. A. quitted B. graduated C. dropped D. resigned
20. A. sports B. religion C. reading D. sitting
21. A. lost B. slipped C. fell D. lacked
22. A. contradicted B. recommended C. violated D. taught
23. A. heroine B. story C. church D. job
24. A. Attached B. Next C. Thanks D. Belonging
25. A. science B. law C. politics D. history
26. A. stupefied B. exhausted C. invisible D. successful
27. A. childhood B. old C. adult D. mature
28. A. conditions B. ways C. glimpses D. times
29. A. accumulate B. shines C. thumps D. waves
30. A. smile B. sigh C. scold D. murmur
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