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My wife was shouting at Sindu again.I threw the paper away and rushed to the scene.My daughter Sindu looked 41__.Her eyes were wet with tears.In front of her was a bowl 42___with bitter melon.Sindu particularly hated bitter melon, but my wife believed 43__ in the “cooling effects” of bitter melon. I tried to 44__ Sindu to take a few mouthfuls.She 45__ down a bit and wiped her tears.Then she said she would eat the 46__bowl of bitter melon on condition that I gave her whatever she asked for.I agreed.Slowly and 47__ , she finished the whole bowl.After that, Sindu came to me with her eyes wide with 48__. To our surprise, she wanted to have her head 49__. “Impossible!”shouted my wife.However, I knew that if I 50__ on my promise, Sindu would never learn to 51 her own.So I decided to keep my promise.

On Monday morning, I 52__ her off at school.Just then,a boy shouted, “Sindu, wait for me!” 53 struck me was his hairless head.I was about to leave when a lady came to me and said, “Sir, your 54__is great indeed!” I didn't 55__. She continued, “That boy is my son.He is 56__ from Leukemia (白血病).He lost all his hair_ 57__the side effects of the chemotherapy (化疗).He 58__ to come back to school because he was afraid that the kids at school would make fun of him.Sindu visited him last week and promised to help him, but I 59__ imagined that she would sacrifice her lovely hair for the sake of my son! Sir, you and your wife are blessed to have such a(n) 60__ soul for a child.”

I didn't know what to say.It was then that I knew what love really was.

41. A.excited B.frightened C.moved D. disappointed

42. A.provided B.covered C.filled D. equipped

43. A.firmly B.angrily C.heavily D. happily

44. A.permit B.forbid C.persuade D. order

45. A.went B.calmed C.came D. fought

46. A.sweet B.entire C.bitter D. little

47. A.angrily B.worriedly C.painfully D. sadly

48. A.expectation B.happiness C.satisfaction D. pride

49. A.nodded B.cut C.washed D. shaved

50. A.got off B.went back C.looked back D. gave off

51. A.honor B.remind C.share D. take

52. A.dropped B.sent C.took D. picked

53. A.It B.Something C.What D. That

54. A.wife B.daughter C.view D. life

55. A.insist B.request C.move D. understand

56. A.dying B.escaping C.suffering D. recovering

57. A.according to B.instead of C.thanks to D. because of

58. A.tended B.promised C.refused D.determined

59. A.nearly B.never C.ever D. seldom

60. A.abstract B.simple C.noble D. horrible



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