第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
36 Many things can become distractions ( 分散注意力 ). Your ability to focus your mind, emotions, and physical movements will directly influence your success. Staying focused on the task at hand can be easier said than done. Here are some powerful techniques that can help you improve your ability to focus.
For physical control, it helps to have a constant exercise schedule. 37 _E xercising helps you gain better command of your body, and even goes beyond the body, giving you more flexibility not just physically but also emotionally and mentally. When you feel more comfortable in your body, you increase your self-confidence, which helps you feel more relaxed.
For mental control, meditation (沉思;冥想) does the task. 38 It’s easy to get distracted by things in your background, but in order to perform well you have to maintain a high degree of focus. When you relax your thoughts, it trains your mind to deal effectively with outside distractions so you can stay centered on what matters most at the moment.
39 It prevents you from overreaction and also from overacting. When your emotions settle down, you gain greater awareness of the environment you’re in, and feel calm and in control.
40 The good thing is that self-control can be developed. Start exercising frequently, get yourself into meditation, and start to feel positive changes in your career and your life in general.
A. In short, focus requires self-control.
B. There are many benefits of exercising.
C. Generally speaking, you need to practise a lot.
D. There are still some disadvantages of exercises.
E. Your emotions are well served by meditation as well.
F. Focus is an important part of success and achievement in general.
G. It helps block out all the noise and activities that are going on around you.
第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)
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