1.be known as/be famous as作为……而闻名
be known for因……而出名
be known to为……所知
be known by凭……而知
The hill is known for the temple.
LuXun is known to us as a writer.
One can be known by his words and deeds.
2.be married to与……结婚
She is married to a musician.
3.be tired of/with对……厌烦
He is tired of/with this kind of life.
=He is bored with this kind of life.
4.be terrified at被……吓一跳
He is terrified at the snake.
5.be burdened with负重
He is burdened with a heavy load.
6.be crowded with挤满
The shop is crowded with people.
7.be dressed in穿着
She is dressed in red.
8.be experienced in对……有经验
He is experienced in mending bikes.
9.be equipped with装备
They are equipped with guns and food.
10.be furnished with提供,布置
They are furnished with enough food.
11.be engaged in sth从事,忙于(=be busy with sth)
He has been engaged in writing novels.
12.be engaged to与……订婚
My daughter is engaged to a nice doctor.
13.be about to do sth.正要做……
I was just about to go swimming when our guide saw me and stopped me.
14.be fit to do/be fit for胜任;适合于
He is fit to do the work.
These books are not fit for children.
15.be worth doing值得做……
The film is worth seeing again.
16.be proud of以……而自豪骄傲
Prof. Cai is proud of his students.
17.be used to sth./doing sth.习惯于……
My grandpa is not used to living in the noisy city.
18.be content to do sth./with…甘愿于干……;满足于……
I am content with your work this time.
19.be content with对……感到满意
You should be content with what you have.
20.be up to应由……,轮到……
It's up to her to answer the question.
21.be meant/intended for打算给,打算用作
Is this valuable painting meant for me?
22.be connected with与……有联系
He was also connected with the government.
23.be crazy about对……狂热
Many young people are crazy about Hip-Hop.
1.break out爆发
The Anti—Japanese War broke out in 1937.
2.break in打断;闯入
Two robbers broke in and robbed the bank of a lot of money.
3. break into闯入;破门而入
They broke into the uncle’s bedroom and found the man lying on the floor。dead.
4.break away from脱离
Lincoln said it was not fight for the south to break away from the union.
5.break down(机器,车辆)坏了;失败了;摧毁;分解
We are sorry to arrive late, but the car broke down.
6.break through突破
The marchers broke through the line of the police.
7.break off折断;中断;断绝
Let’s break off for half an hour and have some tea.
8.break up驱散,拆散
The police broke up the crowd.
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