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英语复习方法之一就是做题,以下是威廉希尔app 为您总准备的高考总复习英语试题,希望考生可以取得理想的成绩!

Once there were two crows. They were rivals.

One day, one of the crows said to the other, “You realize, of course, that I can fly much higher than you can.”

“Don’t be foolish.” the other crow said. “Everyone knows that I can fly much higher than you.”

“No, you can’t.” the first crow said.

“Yes, I can.” the second crow replied, and the argument went on and on.

At last, they decided to have a contest to end the argument.

“We will compete to find out who can fly the highest while carrying a bag.” the first crow said.

They argued for some time over the size of the bag, but finally came to an agreement. Then there was further argument about what each bag would contain. Finally, they agreed that the first crow would fill his bag with cotton and the second crow would fill his with salt.

The first crow thought he was being very clever to agree to this because, of course, salt is much heavier than cotton. At last, they were ready for the great contest, and holding their bags in their beaks(喙), they flew up into the sky. They had not been flying for long, however, when it began to rain—as the second crow had expected it would. As the cotton got wetter and wetter, it became heavier and heavier.

However, the salt just dissolved(溶解) in the rain, so the second crow was easily able to fly higher than the first.

( )56.The underlined sentence “They were rivals.” means     .

A.they competed with each other

B.they disliked each other

C.they admired each other

D.they attracted each other

( )57.The two crows argued about     .

A.who was more foolish

B.who was cleverer

C.who could fly higher

D.who could carry heavier bag

( )58.To end the argument, the two crows agreed     .

A.to have a contest

B.to be friends

C.to fight together

D.to carry a bag

( )59.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.The first crow flew with cotton.

B.The second crow flew with salt.

C.The first crow knew it would rain.

D.The second crow expected it would rain.

( )60.We can learn from the passage that     .

A.the first crow was cleverer than the second one

B.the second crow was cleverer than the first one

C.cotton is much heavier than salt

D.the second crow won the game only by accident


( )17._______ my opinion, kids should learn to do some housework.

A. On B. In C. Of D. With

( )18.About ______ the fans are waiting here. They want to see the great singer.

A.two thousand of B.two thousand C.thousand of D.two thousands of

( )31.The shop_____sells flowers is a



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