be made from 由……(加工)制成
be made into 制成、加工成
be made of 由……(直接)制成
be made up of ……由……组成
be marked with 被标上
be measured in 以……来衡量
be missing ……不见了
be mixed with sth. 用……混合
be not in agreement ……是不同的
be nothing more than 只不过是
be of different sizes/colours/weights/ages/ shapes 尺寸/颜色/重量/年龄/形状不同
be of great/no help/value/importance/use to sb. 对某人(没)有很大(帮助等)
be of the same kind 同一类
be of the same size/colour/weight/age/shape尺寸/颜色/重量/年龄/形状相同
be of this kind 属于这一类
be off 离开
be on a visit from sp. 从某地来访问
be on a visit to sp. 正游览、参观某地
be on business 因公(办事等)
be on diet 节食
be on duty 值日、上班
be on fire 着火
be on holiday/vacation 在度假
be on sale 待售、拍卖
be on show 展览;上映
be on strike 罢工
be on the march 正在游行、正在行军
be out of fashion 过时、不流行
be out of order 没有秩序、乱
be out of reach ①够不着 ②无能为力
be out of work 失业
be popular among sb. 在……中流行
be popular with sb. 在……中流行
be prepared for 为……作准备(接抽象事物)
be present at (the meeting) 参加(会议)
be proud of 以……自豪
be put to a new use 被用在了新的用途上
be ready for 准备好做……
be ready to do 准备好做……
be recognised as 被认作是
be reduced by 降低了……(接数字、百分数)
be related to 与……有联系
be responsble for 为……负责任
be rich in 在……丰富
be satisfied with 对……满意
be senior to 比……大
be set in 以……为背景
be short of 缺少
be shown into sp. 被带到某地
be spun into thread 被纺成线
be strict in sth. 对某事严格要求
be strict with sb. 对某人严格要求
be successful in doing sth. 做……成功
be suitable for 适合
Be sure(certain) to do… 确信做某事(祈使句)
be tired from sth./doing (身体上)劳累、疲劳
be tired of sth./doing 厌倦……
be tired out 筋疲力尽
be to blame (应该)受责备
be to do 准备做……
be trapped by (the fire) 被(火)围困
be treated as 把……当作……对待
be under construction 建设中
be unwilling to do 不愿去做
be up to ①高达、达到 ②达到境界、进入角色 ③从事、忙于
be well received 接受效果好、广泛接受
be willing to do 盼望去做……
be worried about 为……担心
be worth doing 值得……
be worth sth. 值多少
be worthy of 值得
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