at a mouthful 一口、满口
at a safe speed 以安全速度行驶
at a speed of 以……的速度行驶
at a time 一次;有时、曾经
at first blush 一瞥
at full speed 全速前进
at least 至少、最少
at least…if not more 如果不是更多,至少也……
at most 最多、至多
at one time 曾经、以前
at present 现在
at that very moment 就在那个时候
at the ball 在舞会上
at the beginning of 在……的开始
at the bottom of 在……的底部
at the cost of 以……为代价
at the crossing 在十字路口
at the invitation of sb. 应某人邀请
at the latest 最迟、最晚
at the most 最多
at the price of 以……为代价
at the risk of 冒着……的危险
at the same time 同时
at the sight of 看见
at the speed of 以……的速度
at the thought of 当……想到
at the top of the voice 用最高的声音
attempt to do 尝试去做、企图去做
attend to sth. 注意;对……关注
attitude to/towards sth. 对……的态度
attract one's attention 吸引某人注意力
back and forth 来来往往地、(前后)来回地
bark at (狗)向……叫
be (good) value for money ……值钱
be able to do 能够……、有能力……
be about to do when 就要做某事时,突然……
be about to do 准备做……(不接时间状语,表示将来)
be absent from 不在、缺席
be absorbed in 沉迷于……、迷恋于……
be active in 在……活跃
be admitted into universities 被大学录取
be afraid of doing 担心某事会发生
be afraid of sth./sb. 害怕某人(物)
be afraid that… 恐怕……
be afraid to do 不敢去做
be after sth./sb. 找……
be along with 和……一起
be an expert on/in/at sth. 在……是专家
be angry at sth. 对某事感到生气
be angry with sb./sth. 对某人(物)感到生气
be anxious about 为……感到焦虑
be anxious for sth. 急切地要……
be anxious to do 急切去做……
be ashamed of 感到羞耻、惭愧
be at breakfast/lunch/supper 在吃早/午/晚饭
be at the same level 在同一水平上
be aware of sth. 知道
be away from 离……远
be based on 以……为基础、以……为根据
be better off 境况好
be blind in one eye 一只眼睛失明、独眼龙
be blind to 对……视而不见
be busy doing 忙着……
be busy with 忙着……
be careful 小心
be caught in 被困住
be concerned about 关心
be connected with ……与……有联系
be content to do 甘愿做某事、愿意做某事
be content with 对……满足
be crowded with 挤满了
be dangerous ……(对……)构成威胁、是危险的
be deaf to 对……听而不闻、充耳不闻
be disappointed in sth. 对某事(物)失望
be disappointed with sb./sth. 对……失望
be doing when 正要做某事时,突然……
be doing 表达某种语气、感情,如喜爱、赞美、厌恶、痛恨、批判等
be done away with 结束、结果
be dressed in 穿……
be due to do 预计……会怎样
be due to sth. 由于、应归于
be dying for 渴望
be dying to do 急切去做……
be eager to do 盼望去做……
be engaged in 忙于、致力于
be engaged to 与……订婚
be equal to 与……相等
be expert in/at doing 擅长于……
be famous as 作为……而出名
be famous for 因为……而出名
be famous to sb. 在……中出名
be favourable to 有助于、有利于
be fit for sth. 适合……
be fond of 爱好……
be friendly/kind/polite to sb. 对某人友好
be going to do 即将做……
be gone ……不见了
be good on sb. 对某人好
be hard on sb. 对某人苛刻、为难某人
be harmful to 对……有害
be honoured for sth. ……因为……受尊敬
be in (the) majority 占大多数,处于多数
be in business 营业
be in danger 处于危险之中
be in darkness 在黑暗之中(无光,用于指状态)
be in disorder 没有秩序、乱
be in earnest 急迫、急切
be in good order 有秩序、整洁
be in great need 最需要
be in hospital 住院
be in low/high spirits 情绪低落/高昂
be in poor health 身体不好
be in/under one's charge 受某人管
be in/under the charge of sb. 受某人管
be introduced into ……被引进
be joined to 与……连接
be keen on 喜欢
be kind for sb. to do sth. 某人做某事(对人)有好处
be kind of sb. 某人好
be known for 因为……而出名
be known to sb. 在……中出名
be lacking in 缺乏
be longing for 盼望去做……
be longing to do 盼望去做……
be lost ……不见了
be lost in sight 看不见
be lost in thought 陷入沉思
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