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威廉希尔app 高考频道小编为大家带来了2017高考英语一轮复习知识点:形容词和副词,更多高考英语复习资料请关注我们网站的更新!


形容词、副词是每年高考必考点之一 ,近几年语境综合化程度越来越高,难度加大。高考热点有:形容词、副词词义辨析;原级、比较级、最高级的使用;倍数的表 达方法;比较等级的修饰语;多个形容词的排列顺序;常见形容词、副词的惯用法等。


1. 考查形容词和副词的基本用法


2. 考查形容词作定语的后置规律


3. 考查多个形容词作定语的排序

多个形容词修饰名词时,其排序规律是:(限定词+程度副词+) 描绘+大小(长短、高低)+形状+年龄(新旧)+颜色+国籍或产地+物质材料+类别或用途+名词。

4. 考查副词在句中的位置规律


5. 考查–ed形容词和-ing形容词的区别


6. 考查两种不同形式的副词的用法差异


7. 考查形容词和副词的比较等级。

8. 考查比较等级的修饰语 。

考点1: 在具体的语境中辨析形容词与副词的语义


经过统计,常见常考的形容词和副词有(按频度排列):even; interested; interesting; yet; hardly; just; therefore; though; too; very; common; effective; either; ever; fair; however; less; more; nearly; only; purposefully; rather; still; such; surprised; surprising

还有以下形容词和副词应当熟悉和掌握: a good many; a number of; acceptable; accidentally; actively; adequately; already; another; anxious; anyway; ashamed; attentiv ely; bad; badly; besides; better; but; careful; changeable; cheap; comfortable; convenient; eagerly; easy; encouraging; enha-ncing; equal; even though; eventually; fairly; far; fewer; following; formally; friendly; gen-erously; gradually; heavily; historic; hopefully; immediately; inaccessible; individual; inevit-able; initial; instead; invisible; largely; never; next; no; normal; nowadays; obviously; ordin-ary; other; otherwise; patient; plenty of; prac-tical; promoting; proper; quickly; readily; reasonable; remote; seldom; seriously; shor t; so; stimulating; traditional; unavailable; unav-oidable; unfavorable; unfortunately; usual; va-rious; weak; well



1) 比较级、最高级的选用及应用范围


① as + 原级adj. / adv. + as表示“和……一样”及not as / so + 原级adj. / adv. + as表示“不如……”。例如:

(94全国) John plays football as well as, if not better than, David.

The piano in the other shop will be cheaper, but not as good.

② as + 原级adj. + a(n) + n. + as表示“跟……一样”。例如:

(2001全国) It’s generally believed that teaching is as much an art as it is a science.

(2003北京) Our neighbour has as big a house as ours.

③ 比较级 + than表“比……更”及less ... than表示“不如……”。例如:

This year they have produced less grain than they did last year.

This road is wider than that one.

④ the + 比较级, the + 比较级表示“越……,就越……”。例如:

(93上海) It’s believed that the harder you work, the better result you’ll get.

⑤ the +比较级+ of the + 名词 / 代词表示两者中“较……的”。例如:

Who is the younger of the two boys?

⑥比较级 + 比较级(越来越……)。___ 例如:

Our country is getting stronger and stro nger.

Things became worse and worse from then on.

⑦用the last表示“最不可能的”、“最不适合的”、“最不希望的”等。例如:

The last thing I want to do is to offend you.我最不愿意做的就是惹你生气。

He is the last man I want to see.他是我最不希望见的人。

2) 形容词、副词原级、比较级、最高级前的程度状语

① 注意一些形容词或副词前的特定修饰语。例如:

(2004广东) Sometimes it was a bit boring to work the re because there wasn’t always that much to do. (那样多)

I quite like it. They are quite different / wrong.

quite possible / impossible

My hometown is much changed.

much to my surprise(很让我吃惊)

be well worth doing (很值得做)

② 比较级前常可用still, even, much, far, a lot / little / few / bit, rather, any, a great deal, so far, by far, no等词修饰。(注意more不用于修饰比较级)。例如:

(94全国) If there were no examinations, we should have a much happier time.

(2000上海) You’re standing too near the cinema. Can you move a bit farther?

This is by far the better.

③ 最高级可用序数词、much、 by far、 nearly、 almost等词修饰。例如:

Afri ca is the second largest continent.

The Pacific is by far the largest ocean.

I like this film the very best / much the best.

考点3: 形容词作表语,形容词、副词作后置定语


1) 形容词用于系动词后作表语


表示感觉的系动词:sound, look, taste, appear, smell, feel, seem等

表示变化的系动词:become, fall, get, turn, grow, make, come, go等

表示状态存在的系动词:remain, keep, stay, continue, prove, lie, stand等。例如:

2) 形容词、副词作后置定语


常见的几种修饰语后置的情况有: ①形容词修饰something, nothing, anything, everything等不定代词时要后置。②present作“出席的”时只作后置定语。③表语形容词如alive, asleep, awake, alone等只能作后置定语。④副词修饰动词时, 放在动词之后 。修饰形容词或副词时, 放在被修饰词之前。enough修饰形容词、副词时要后置,修饰名词时可放在名词的前后。形容词短语修饰名词作主语时要后置。用and或or连接的形容词作定语时要后置, 起强调作用。表数量的词作定语时要后置。副词修饰形容词的特殊词序, “so, as, how, too + 形容词 + 单数可数名词”。

考点4: 倍数表达法



1) 倍数 + as + 原级形容词 + a s ...。例如:

This road is three times as long as that one.

2) 倍数 + the size / length / width / depth / height of ...。例如:

The river is five times the width of that one.

3) 倍数 + 比较级 + than + 被比较对象。例如:

The sun is a million times larger than the earth.

考点5: 多个形容词作定语时的排序问题及语序不同意义不同的词组


1) 多个形容词作定语时的排序问题



a small wonderful gift


限定词+描绘性形容词(beautiful)+大小、长短、高低等形容性形容词+(large, long, high)+新旧(old)+颜色(red)+产地(Chinese)+材料(wood)+用途(writing)+被修饰名词(desk)


all these last few days 最近的这些日子

some beautiful little red flowers 一些美丽的小红花

a high red brick wall 一堵高高的红砖墙

a beautiful white Japanese military jeep 一辆漂亮的白色日本军用吉普车


all / both / half / double / 倍数词 / 分数词 + 冠词 / 指示代词 / 物主代词 / 名词所有格 / some / any / no / every / each +基数词 / 序数词 / little / few / last / next / other / another / more,形容词的排列顺序为:大小、长短、高低、新旧、颜色、产地、材料、用途、类别等。


所有这些词, 顺序往后数;


上面口诀中前两句主要用于解决排在最前边的多个限定词之间的顺序。它可以应用于all (所有) these (这些) last (顺序) few (数量) days短语中。这个短语基本上可以体现多个限定词之间的先后顺序。口诀后两句可对应一句话“This is a charming small round old yellow French wood reading room.”其中多个形容词之间的先后顺序基本上可以在这一句中得以体现,而且汉语歌诀的形式将使记忆更形象、更深刻。利用以上歌诀时最好是“抓两头”,即牢记排在最前边的限定词及排在最后边的形容词,如产地、材料、用途等,则能轻松突破此难点。

考点6: 考查形容词与副词区别, 易混词带有-ly的形容词、副词及复合形容词


1) 注意如下有无-ly的形容词和副词的意义区别:

wide / high / deep(具体的意义)宽 / 高 / 深 widely / highly / deeply(抽象意义)广泛地 / 高度地 / 深深地

most十分、非常 / 最多(大)的






direct直接(主要用于谈论路程和时间,和straight意思相同) directly直率地、立即

2) 注意合成形容词本质上是一个形容词,其合成部份中的名词不能变为复数形式。例如:

He wrote a two-thousand-word report.

His uncle is 6 feet tall. He is a forty-year old man.

3) “名词+ ly”构成的是形容词,而不是副词。

这类形容词有friendly, lovely, weekly, monthly, daily等

4) 有些词既可以作形容词也可以作副词。例如:

He got up late, so he was late for school again.

Can you see that straight road? Go straight along this road, you’ll find the supermarket at the end.

This maths problem was hard. I thought hard and got the answer at last.


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