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名词是词类的一种,属于实词,下面是名词与冠词专项训练题,威廉希尔app 高考频道希望对考生有帮助。

1.We can never expect ________bluer sky unless we create________ less polluted world.

A.a; a B.a; the

C.the; a D.the; the

2.If you keep on writing, you will have________brighter future, likely to become________J. K. Rowling.

A.the; a B.the; the

C.a; a D.a; the

3.Today there are more opportunities for disabled people to make ________ contribution to ________ society.

A.a; the B.a; /

C./; the D.the; a

4.Being invited to the Holy Land to take part in the Christmas celebrations was a great ________.

A.privilege B.day

C.service D.invitation

5.ZTE(中兴) Nubia Z5 mini is empowered with a 13­mega­pixel(百万像素) rare camera with such________as taking panorama images.

A.features B.feathers

C.fictions D.fashions

6.Eric didn't feel at ________ease in the party, because he was afraid of losing ________face.

A.the; a B.an; /

C./; the D./; /

7.John worked hard at his lessons and gained ________to a famous university last year.

A.permission B.admission

C.agreement D.freedom

8.Some experts say ________ birth rate of Chinese, after the one­child policy is relaxed, can see ________ modest increase in future.

A.the; a B.a; a

C.a; / D.the; the

9.Nelson Mandela, who was elected ________ president of South Africa in 1994, is generally regarded as ________ father of the country.

A.the; the B./; the

C./; / D.the; /

10.Thanks to________ drama currently on air, My Love from the Star, Korean TV dramas have attracted________ wider audience.

A.the; the B.a; a

C.a; the D.a; /

11.When you get involved in sports, a lot of racial________ are broken down because players developed friendship quickly.

A.barriers B.threats

C.approaches D.hardships

12.Although dishonesty seems so common in recent years, people still believe that honesty will not go out of________.

A.style B.order

C.balance D.shape

13.The song Take Me Home, Country Roads has much ________to people, for few people can avoid getting caught up in its originally real country music.

A.appeal B.access

C.potential D.devotion

14.“To meet people's desire for ________ happy life is our mission,” Xi Jinping said to the press after he was elected ________general secretary and president.

A.a; a B.the; the

C.a; / D./; the

15.On account of fuel supplies being finite and many people being wasteful, we will have to install ________ solar heating device in our home.

A.some type of a B.some types of a

C.some type of D.some types of

16.The police are trying to find out the ________ of the woman murdered in the bathroom.

A.evidence B.characteristic

C.status D.identity

17.The CCTV show Chinese Characters Dictation Competition has taken the country by storm, which is partly designed to arouse people's ________ in the Chinese language.

A.response B.enthusiasm

C.significance D.consequence

18.With the popularity of ________ cellphone, more and more people are addicted to it and do less and less face­to­face communication, which has become ________ widespread concern.

A.the; a B./; /

C.the; / D.a; the

19.However ________ important school life may be, ________ great influence of parents can't be ignored or discounted by the teacher.

A.an; a B.the; the

C.an; / D./; the

20.This restaurant has become popular for its wide ________ of foods that suit all tastes and pockets.

A.division B.area

C.range D.circle


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