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1.He called to tell me that you are in hospital. Otherwise I ________ nothing about it.

A.had known B.wouldn't have known

C.would know D.would have known

2.—Is there any breaking news?

—How shameless! The Japanese government ________nationalize our Tiaoyu Tao!

A.should B.shall

C.must D.dare

3.There was something wrong with the network, or the e­mail________ earlier.

A.could have been sent B.might be sent

C.need have been sent D.must be sent

4.She________ have attended the meeting,for she was seeing a doctor then.

A.shouldn't B.mustn't

C.wouldn't D.couldn't

5.—The deadline is drawing, but I failed to challenge the task a third time.

—________ my brother have a try?

A.Will B.May

C.Shall D.Must

6.—I didn't watch the programme Where are we going, Dad? yesterday.

—I________, either, if my father hadn't reminded me.

A.wouldn't B.didn't

C.wouldn't have D.hadn't

7.If it________ the climate, I would stay here much longer.

A.is not for B.had not been for

C.were not for D.would not be for

8.—I wonder if Sue will be here by five.

—Don't worry! She just went to collect her kids. She ________be back by then.

A.should B.can

C.would D.might

9.—Jack fell off the ladder yesterday, but he is all right now.

—What a lucky dog! He ________ himself badly.

A.should injure B.could have injured

C.should have injured D.might injure

10.—Joe, don't forget to bring your laptop with you tomorrow, OK?

—Oh, thank you. I wouldn't bring it if you ________ me.

A.wouldn't remind B.haven't reminded

C.hadn't reminded D.shouldn't have reminded

11.—I'm afraid you missed a fantastic lecture yesterday. How come you were absent from it?

—If you ________ know, I asked for a day off and visited a relative of mine in hospital.

A.might B.may

C.shall D.must

12.He ________ have completed his work; otherwise, he wouldn't be enjoying himself by the seaside.

A.should B.must

C.wouldn't D.can't

13.—Would you mind if I set out earlier tomorrow morning?

—Well, I'd rather you ________.

A.don't B.didn't

C.won't D.wouldn't

14.—Do you know where David is? I couldn't find him anywhere.

—He ________ have gone far—his coat's still here.

A.needn't B.can't

C.mustn't D.wouldn't

15.She got stuck in a terrible traffic jam on the highway to Shanghai, or she________ dinner with her family now.

A.will be having B.would be having

C.is having D.was having

16.—Mother, I climbed up to that tall tree and picked this big apple.

—Jesus! You________ down and hurt yourself.

A.might have fallen B.might fall

C.must have fallen D.must fall

17.________ it rain tomorrow, we would have to put off the visit to the Water Cube.

A.Would B.Were

C.Should D.Could

18.His appearance has changed so much that you ________ well not recognize him.

A.must B.will

C.can D.may

19.I felt surprised that anyone of his intelligence ________ such an easy test.

A.might have failed B.could have failed

C.should have failed D.must have failed

20.—What do you think is the matter with your car?

—Well, it ________ start at all. I mean I turned the key and nothing happened.

A.shan't B.won't

C.mustn't D.shouldn't


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