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高考是每个人一生中都要经历的一次至关重要的一次考试,要考好高考,就一定要好好复习。威廉希尔app 高考频道编辑为您准备了高考英语必背知识点,对你有帮助吗?


1.be surprised at对——感到惊讶;

2.be lucky to 碰巧;

3.make up编造、弥补;

4.be an expert on/in在——方面是专家;

5.burn down把——调小,拒绝;

6.have/take a look at看一看;

7.get sth with sb随身携带;

8.have difficulty/trouble (in)doing sth做某事有困难;

9.have the idea of有——的念头;

10.provide sb with sth/ provide sth for sb给——提供——;

11.supply sb with sth/supply sth to sb把——供给;

12.come to大道,共计;

13.have no luck/bad luck运气不好;

14.be well-known as以——身份而闻名;

15.be pleased with对——感到满意;

16.join the line/queue排队;

17.go on a visit to去——参观;

18.be angry with sb对某人生气;

19.get a wonderful view获得很好的视角;

20.work by=controlled by由——控制;

21.burn sth down烧毁、烧塌;


23.give up放弃;

24.carry out实施;

25.take the drug服药;

26.be/get used to习惯于;

27.call for需要;

28.stop/keep/prevent sb from doing sth阻止某人做某事;

29.put up张贴,住宿;30.take——for example以——为例;

31.shake hands with与——握手;

32.get ready for为——做好准备;

33.put up one’s hand举手;

34.look up查看;

35.take pictures/photos of照相;

36.hand sth to sb将某物地给某人;

37.develop the films/photos冲洗胶卷/相片;

38.be popular with sb受某人欢迎;

39.fill in填;

40.keep up with保持与——同样的速度;

41.put on船上、表演;

42.be uncertain about对——没有把握;

43.be honoured for因为——而获得赞誉;

44.pick up采集、拾起;

45.run after追赶、追求;

46.bring up培养,教育;

47.be on show在展出;

48.make contributions to为——做出贡献;

49.think of象棋、考虑;



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