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动词及动词短语的考查点多面广,综合性强,备受命题者青睐。以下是威廉希尔app 整理的2016年上海高考英语冲刺预测题,供复习参考!

【精选试题】 名校模拟题及其答案

1.(2008—2009学年度高二第一学期期末六校联考,英语,30)—How lovely these children are!

—Yeah.They______ memories of my childhood.

A. called out B. called for C. called up D. called on

【解析】call out“出动, 向…叫喊”, call for “需要,要求”, call up“召集, 使想起, 提出, 打电话给”, call on“号召, 呼吁, 约请, 访问”。此句意思是“他们引起了我对童年的回忆。”因此选C。


2. (2008—2009学年度高二第一学期期末六校联考,英语,33)Many kids ________ the net bar, and _____had a bad effect on their studies.

A. are addicted to; it B. get engaged in; which

C. are related to; what D. are addicted to; which

【解析】be addicted to 意思是“对…上瘾”,符合题意。And 是一个并列连词,后面应该是并列句,而不是从句,因此排除B和D。be related to“与…有关”,不符合题意,因此排除。



After studying in a medical college for five years, Jane her job as a doctor

in the countryside.

A.set out B.took over C.took up D.set up

【解析】set out“出发, 开始” take over“接收, 接管”take up“从事” set up“设立”根据题意,应选C。


4. (江苏省扬州中学2008-2009学年度高一第二学期3月月考,英语,34)Though we _________serious natural disasters, we are sure to overcome all difficulties.

A. give away B. affect with C. suffer from D. deal with

【解析】give away“分发, 放弃, 泄露”, affect“影响”及物动词, suffer from“遭受” ,deal with“处理”。从“ we are sure to overcome all difficulties.”这句话可以推断出前半句的意思应该是“尽管我们遭受着严重的自然灾害”,因此应选C。


5. (重庆市十二校2OO9年高三第一次质量调研抽测试卷,英语,32) The shop assistant was fired as she was _________ of cheating customers.

A.accused B.charged C.blamed D.caught

【解析】be accused of “被控告” accused与of 搭配,符合题意。 be charged with“被控告”charge 和with 搭配。 blame “责备”。


6.(河南省实验中学08-09学年下期高三第二次月考,24) Asked suddenly about the matter ,he couldn’t an answer at once.

A. come up with B. look for C. put up with D. answer for

【解析】come up with“得出答案” look for“寻找” put up with“提出” answer for“负责”根据题意,应该选A.



My daughter is not sure what to_______ at the university; she can’t make up her

mind about her future.

A. take up B. make up C. pick up D. build up

【解析】句意:我的女儿在大学里不知道学什么,对自己的未来他心里还没有底。take up开始学;开始从事。make up组成,构成;编造;pick up拾起;学到;获得;build up逐步建立;增强。



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