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I. Listening Comprehension(30分,每题1.5分)

Part A: Short conversations

Directions: In Part A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers in you paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

1.2014年上海高考英语预测卷:(A) In the cafeteria (B) On the train.

(C) At the theatre (D) On the bus

2. (A) Red (B) Blue (C) Yellow. (D) Green

3. (A) Played the piano (B) Went to a concert.

(C) Wrote some letters (D) Practised singing.

4. (A) Customer and salesman. (B) Student and teacher.

(C) Patient and doctor (D) Child and parent.

5. (A) She doesnt agree with the man. (B) She likes cooking for herself

(C) She likes eating in a school canteen (D) She never cooks for herself.

6. (A) Two dollars (B) Four dollars (C) Eight dollars (D) Ten dollars.

7. (A) He enjoyed his new camera.

(B) He left his camera at the airport.

(C) He left his camera in his friends car.

(D) He lost his camera on his trip.

8. (A) Cold (B) Warm (C) Hot (D) Mild

9. (A) A plumber (B) An electrician

(C) A salesman (D) A policeman.

10. (A) By car (B) By plane (C) By train (D) By bus

Part B: Longer conversations

Directions: In Part B, you will hear two longer conversations. After each conversation, you will be asked two questions. The conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

Questions 11 and 12 are based on the following conversation:

11. (A) An exhibition of painting (B) An apple

(C) A modern jazz band (D) An opera.

12. (A) An instrument. (B) A concert (C) A theatre (D) A city

Questions 13 and 14 are based on the following conversation:

13. (A) His telephone bill is too high (B) Hes moving out of town.

(C) He has been ill (D) Hes been seeing a doctor

14. (A) Buying a heater (B) Calling the weather service.

(C) Wearing winter clothes (D) Calling the woman in the morning.

Part C: Passages

Directions : In Part C, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

Questions 15 through 17 are based on the following passage

15. (A) 1921 (B) 1621 (C) Last November (D) On Thursday.

16. (A) American Indians (B) English stemlers.

(C) The black people (D) English natives

17. (A) Apple pie (B) Roast turkey.

(C) Indian pudding (D) Sweet potatoes.

Questions 18 through 20 are based on the following passage:

18. (A) They used simple words.

(B) They used signs

(C) They rubbed their stomachs

(D) They didnt communicate with each other.

19. (A) As soon as there were human beings

(B) About a hundred thousand years ago.

(C) About a million years ago.

(D) About ten million years ago.

20. (A) Words that were simple and short in pronunciation.

(B) Words that stood for things people met with every day.

(C) Words that were names of important things in life.

(D) All of the above.

II. Grammar (20分,每题1分)

Directions: Beneath each of the following sentence there are four choices marked (A) (B) (C) and (D). Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.

21. As far as I know, they spent _______ winter of 1999 in _______ UK.

(A) the… the (B) /…/ (C) the… / (D) /… the

22. He is wearing ________ shoes today, which is quite unusual.

(A) Italian black leather (B) black Italian leather

(C) black leather Italian (D) leather Italian black

23. Some women think it is mens business to earn money and ______ to spend it.

(A) they (B) their (C) them (D) theirs.

24. He claimed _______ in the restaurant last Sunday.

(A) being badly treated (B) to be treated badly

(C) to have been badly treated (D) being treated badly

25. _________ can properly be called a clock always strikes the hours on a bell.

(A) Anything (B) All that (C) Which (D) It

26. I couldnt help but ______ that it was a mistake to lend him the money.

(A) think (B) thought (C) to think (D) thinking

27. There will come a day when all of us will be living in cities quite unlike ______ of the present.

(A) that (B) ones (C) those (D) the ones

28. To help support the family, Tom takes on much more work than ______ good for her.

(A) is (B) to be (C) which is (D) that is

29. I think they failed to accomplish the task, ______?

(A) do I (B) dont I (C) did they (D) didnt they

30. Henry would rather his mother______ in the school where he is studying.

(A) not work (B) not worked (C) didnt work (D) not to work

31. The mechanic was surprised at the poor condition of the car _________.

(A) to have serviced (B) having serviced

(C) to be serviced (D) being serviced

32. Her fear of flying was _______ she always managed to travel by train or by boat.

(A) such that (B) such as (C) so that (D) so as

33. Just after finishing the washing-up, _____.

(A) the door bell rang (B) Susan heard the door bell ring

(C) someone knocked at the door (D) the door bell was rung

34. ________, he still couldnt afford it.

(A) Cheap although the computer was (B) Cheap as the computer was

(C) As the computer was cheap (D) However cheap was the computer

35. The meeting was to _______ at nine oclock, but the chairman had not turned up by ten.

(A) start (B) be starting (C) have started (D) be started

36. A proposal has been put forward ____ a debate _____ between the boys and the girls.

(A) which… is held (B) that… be held

(C) that… will be (D) when… to be held

37. It is unbelievable that a well-behaved gentleman ______ be so rude to a lady.

(A) will (B) may (C) must (D) should

38. _______ at the top of the TV Tower, people below look like ants.

(A) Standing (B) To stand (C) Stand (D) If you stand

39. After ______ seemed a long time, the patient came to and opened his eyes.

(A) it (B) what (C) where (D) that

40. He was so careful that not a single mistake _______ in the test.

(A) he made (B) he had ever made

(C) did he make (D) he ever made

III. Vocabulary (10分,每题1分)

Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked (A) (B) (C) and (D). Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.

41. I have a number of _____ to make about the management of the hotel.

(A) claims (B) complaints (C) observations (D) discoveries

42. Im sorry I have to decline your invitation because of a ______ appointment.

(A) former (B) last (C) previous (D) normal

43. To be honest, I dont quite_____ with you some views on the matter.

(A) agree (B) share (C) include (D) admit

44. I think a cold drink can ______ you after your long hot journey.

(A) recover (B) refresh (C) relieve (D) relax

45. The bad weather ______ our visit to Shakespeares birthplace and Oxford University

(A) damaged (B) destroyed (C) spoiled (D) harmed

46. Hes _______ working in Germany as a representative of a Chinese company.

(A) lately (B) recently (C) presently (D) likely

47. As we all know, the Internet will let people have ______ to huge amounts of information from their own homes.

(A) entrance (B) way (C) means (D) access

48. His speech was so confusing that I could hardly make any _____ of it.

(A) meaning (B) understanding (C) sense (D) explanation

49. we cannot work all the time if we are going to _______ good health and enjoy life.

(A) maintain (B) continue (C) hold (D) remain

50. The mothers face______ when she answered the phone from his son abroad.

(A) cleared up (B) cleaned up (C) cheered up (D) chased up

IV. Cloze(30分,每题2分)

Directions: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked (A) (B) (C) and (D) . Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.


It is the duty of every man to work. The lazy man wastes his time, and his __51__ is of no use to himself or to others. The man who is too lazy to work is the man who is __52__ most ready to beg or to steal. Everyone when he is young should learn some useful work.

But it is not __53__ that one should learn some kind of work. He should work hard, and not waste his spare minutes or half hours. "Work while you work and play while you play" is as good a __54__ for young people as for old.

There is no __55__ aid to diligence than the habit of early rising, and this, like all other good habits, and must make easily __56__ in youth.

There is an English saying "Lost time never returns". This __57__ that everybody must be diligent, and must make good use of his time. One must study hard when he is young, so that he may succeed in his __58__ and become useful to his country.

I have __59__ heard that those who are diligent will become beggars, but I know that lazy fellows will become beggars. Therefore, I should say that diligence is the __60__ of success.

51. (A) work (B) life (C) body (D) idea

52. (A) likely (B) rarely (C) generally (D) luckily

53. (A) true (B) enough (C) effective (D) difficult

54. (A) lesson (B) advice (C) instruction (D) rule

55. (A) better (B) other (C) more (D) less

56. (A) gained (B) grown (C) existed (D) formed

57. (A) means (B) shows (C) illustrates (D) suggests

58. (A) childhood (B) study (C) life (D) youth

59. (A) often (B) always (C) sometimes (D) never

60. (A) way (B) road (C) mother (D) father


A bank is an organization which does various jobs. Because of the __61__ and importance of the work it undertakes, a bank is __62__ part of modern industrial society. It enables its __63__ to complete most of their business then and __64__.

A bank is a place where money can be deposited (存入) and __65__ safely. If your house __66__, you will lose the money you keep at home. But if you deposit your money in the bank you will not lose your money.

A bank is also __67__ which lends money and receives interest for the money it lends. And when it __68__ money from its depositors, it pays them interest. On __69__, the bank makes a profit out of these __70__.

61. (A) advancement (B) variety (C) regularity (D) necessity

62. (A) a large (B) the central (C) a useful (D) an essential

63. (A) lawyers (B) employees (C) customers (D) owners

64. (A) there (B) leave (C) satisfied (D) all

65. (A) made (B) worked (C) kept (D) felt

66. (A) is pulled down (B) burns down (C) collapses (D) is broken into

67. (A) a place (B) a building (C) a house (D) an organization

68. (A) receives (B) borrows (C) lends (D) spends

69. (A) balance (B) the contrary (C) an average (D) credit

70. (A) things (B) plans (C) programs (D) activities


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