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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节  单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

21. Generally speaking, in the United States ____ 15-percent tip is normal for ____ most restaurants.

A. a; /      B. an; the     C. /; a      D. /; the

22. Between the two periods of classes is a break,   we can have a short rest.

A. then        B. where       C. when        D. which

23. There is no point ____ further. I think he has made a decision.

A. to argue      B. argued       C. in arguing      D. argues

24. — I am sorry to hear that your mother is ill in hospital.

— ____.

A. That’s all right

B. You don’t have to be so sorry

C. It is nothing

D. It’s very kind of you

25. Jane is a good dancer. When   on stage, she is always so proud of herself.

A. stands      B. standing       C. is standing      D. stood

27. You can ____ your time about handing in your homework; there is no rush.

A. have    B. spend    C. take     D. save

28. ____ in the past, at the moment it is a favorite hair color.

A. Unpopular as red was        B. As red was unpopular

C. Red was as unpopular        D. As unpopular red was

29. The little boy is lucky enough to have escaped ____ to death in the big fire.

A. burning          B. to be burned

C. being burned        D. to have been burned

31. — Please follow me in case you get lost. This is your first time in the city, right?

— Yeah. How ____?

A. did you know   B. do you know   C. had you known  D. will you know

32. One condition of this job is that you must be ____ to work at weekends.

A. available    B. capable    C. acceptable   D. accessible

33. — Mr Green, we’ve made two plans for your travel. Which would you like?

— ____. I don’t care.

A. None    B. Both    C. Either    D. Neither

34. — Your room looks a real mess, Tony.

— ____?

A. What for    B. So what    C. What if     D. So how

35. I don’t say I am against their plan. But the trouble is   they do doesn’t agree with what they say.

A. what that      B. that what       C. if what         D. what

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)

Lulu is a brave pet in our shelter.

As you know, there are a lot of forest fires during the summer season. Many forests are badly 36 by fire each year. Not far from our shelter, a forest caught fire during this hot summer. We were in a heatwave which had been  37  for three days.

Lulu rushed towards the forest where flames sent out a terrible 38 . I no longer had any   hope that Lulu would come  39  to the shelter. In fact, I was waiting for the firemen to announce his 40  in the forest, when suddenly, a fireman burst into my shelter and   41 me that my dog Lulu had  42  to save four kittens who were trapped by the flames. According to the fireman, Lulu seized the kittens, one by one moving them to a  43  place. I immediately accompanied the fireman to the forest to  44  the rescued kittens. When we arrived at the  45  of the incident, we found Lulu was not  46  . Then we heard the  47  of a dog came from the forest barking furiously. I  48  it was my dog Lulu. The fireman followed the tracks of the dog until we found him barking  49  by the side of an injured fireman who was lying on the ground and desperately   50  rescue. Thanks to Lulu, four kittens and a fireman were saved.

That day, I was very 51 of Lulu for his two heroic  52  toward the kittens and the fireman. Lulu showed much compassion(同情)for both animals  53  him and for a human being who was trying to  54  the fire with his colleagues.

This true story of genuine love and compassion shows us that pets are loving,  55  and compassionate. We should love and protect them. One day they could do us a good turn.

36. A. damaged   B. injured    C. wounded    D. hurt

37. A. taking on     B. coming on    C. going on     D. keeping on

38. A. heat      B. energy     C. fever      D. burn

39. A. by       B. round      C. up       D. back

40. A. return    B. honour      C. death     D. action

41. A. warned    B. informed    C. communicated   D. gave

42. A. tried     B. wanted    C. managed     D. failed

43. A. safe     B. cool      C. lonely    D. beautiful

44. A. pick out   B. pick up    C. bring on    D. bring up

45. A. scene    B. position     C. situation     D. view

46. A. here    B. out     C. in     D. there

47. A. voice    B. noise     C. accent     D. sound

48. A. acknowledged  B. recognized    C. heard     D. listened

49. A. heavily   B. strongly    C. loudly     D. happily

50. A. waiting for   B. waiting on    C. asking for    D. looking for

51. A. surprised   B. satisfied    C. shamed    D. proud

52. A. things    B. actions    C. dos     D. reactions

53. A. as     B. like     C. for     D. to

54. A. put off    B. put away     C. put up    D. put out

55. A. careful    B. careless     C. caring     D. carefree

第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)

I was off to go back to work one evening when I saw my two children were busy sewing things on the sewing machine. My 11-year-old daughter was, in the midst of her project, going to assist her elder brother in making a little cushion. I left, and after a few hours returned to find a mess in the kitchen and in the front room, and both children sitting in front of the television.

Having had a long day, I was too tired to greet them and then I noticed the material my daughter had used. It had been purchased to make a color-coordinated(颜色协调的)baby blanket, and now had chunks(块)cut out of almost every piece of fabric(织物). Not stopping to listen, I exploded at the children and explained how angry I was at what had been done.

My daughter listened to me sheepishly, not trying to defend herself at all, but the pain could be seen written across her face. She retreated to her room, and spent some time there alone before she came out to say good night and once again apologize for the mistake she had made.

A few hours later, as I was preparing to go to bed, I found that there on my bed lay a beautiful, little cushion made out of the forbidden fabric, with the words “I LOVE MOM”. Alongside it was a note apologizing again, and the innocence in which she had taken the fabric.

To this day, I still get tears in my eyes when I think of how I reacted and still feel the pain of my actions. It was I who then went to her and apologized for my actions. I display with great pride the cushion on my bed, and constantly use it to remind me that nothing in this world is greater than a child’s love.

56. The underlined word can be replaced by “       ”.

A. hopefully came up             B. hopefully went back

C. quietly came up               D. quietly went back

57. What did the children do?

A. They cut out the material and made it into a baby blanket.

B. They cut the material into pieces and used them to clean the TV set.

C. They cut the material into pieces on which they wrote apologizing words.

D. They made a cushion with the material to show their love for Mom.

58. What can be inferred from the text?

A. The two children are good at sewing.

B. The two children are introverted(内向的).

C. The mother is often rude to her children.

D. The mother is regretful for what she did.

59. The passage is mainly to tell about   .

A. a mom’s tears

B. a mom’s love

C. a child’s love

D. a child’s complaint


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