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Text 8

W: Dad, can I have a car?

M: Sweetheart, we talked about this. Owning a car is a big responsibility. Gas is pretty expensive nowadays. You also have to maintain your car properly, and that means. . .

W: Yeah, I know, Dad! You’ ve told me a thousand times! But how am I supposed to be independent if you always drive me places?

M: Well, I feel more comfortable knowing that you’ re safe.

W: Do you know how embarrassing it is to have your father drop you off at the mall? All my friends have cars of their own already!

M: Don’ t all of your friends have jobs of their own, too?

W: Well, yeah, I guess, but. . .

M: And haven’ t your friends kept their grades up all through high school?

W: Uh. . . yeah.

M: Well, you show me a report card of straight A’ s and two paychecks from a new job, and then we’ ll talk about a car for you.

W: What? That’ s so unfair!

M: Life isn’ t fair sometimes. But you’ ll appreciate your future car if you earn it. Why don’ t we look through some car magazines so you can see what you are working toward?

Text 9

M: This is quite a nice pool, isn’ t it?

W: I’ ll say. Is this your first time in this hotel?

M: Oh, no. I stay here every time I’ m in New York on business. What about you?

W: This is my first time here without my family. I decided that I just wanted some time for myself this weekend.

M: Good for you! My name is Bernard Smith, but you can call me Bernie.

W: Hi, Bernie! I’ m Jane.

M: Nice to meet you. So, Jane, what do you think is the best part of this hotel? I mean, seeing as how you’ re a bit of an expert and all. . .

W: Well, I wouldn’ t say I’ m an expert, but the service here is much better than at most other hotels. Considering the price of the rooms here, you might not expect the service to be anything special, but I feel like I am treated like a queen whenever I’ m here.

M: I agree that the service is great, but my favorite thing about this place has got to be the breakfast. I mean, have you seen so many choices anywhere else?

W: Well, you have a point there, Bernie. I do love eating breakfast here, and I guess I usually talk about it whenever people ask me how my trip to New York was.

Text 10

So I was walking around the other day when I saw a sign for The Bookworm. It’ s a really cool café that also has great food, and sometimes they have music and other special events. Well, it just so happened that there was a literary festival going on that featured writers and photographers working in China, and I saw that Peter Hessler was going to be speaking at the festival at 7: 30 that very night! Peter Hessler is probably my favorite writer at the moment; he used to write about China for The New Yorker, a famous American magazine, and he also wrote three books about his experiences living and working in Beijing.

His writing is really funny and super clever, and I was so excited to hear him speak that I went right over to The Bookworm, grabbed a seat at the bar, and waited for him to arrive. I waited and waited, but he still was a noshow. Finally, at 8: 30, I asked one of the staff when he was supposed to be there. “ Peter Hessler? ” the guy replied. “ He’ s not supposed to be here tonight. He was here last year, though. ” It was then that I realized my mistake. I had come on the right day, just not in the right year!

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