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2017 届高三年级模拟试题(一)

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Text 1

M: It’ s strange being back in school.

W: What do you mean?

M: I think it’ s tough to get used to studying, meeting new people, and taking notes again after being on vacation for so long.

Text 2

W: Could you drive me to my doctor’ s appointment tomorrow, Jesse?

M: I’ d love to, Theresa, but the problem is that my car is in the shop.

Text 3

W: Uh oh, I think my cell phone is about to die.

M: Don’ t worry. I charged mine before we left the house.

W: Thank goodness. My mother called me three times. I don’ t want her to worry.

Text 4

W: Next Sunday, I want to have a party for my birthday.

M: A birthday party? Nancy wanted to throw one for you, but I told her I would do it, so don’ t worry about it.

Text 5

M: Do you mean that both of your parents work?

W: So what? Only 10% of American families have a traditional working father and a stay - at - home mother.

Text 6

M: I bought a pumpkin, and I am planning to make it into a lantern tomorrow.

W: Oh, that’ s right. Halloween is coming!

M: Yeah, the school is letting us use the gym for the Halloween party. I am so excited about it, but I have not decided what to wear this year. I don’ t want to wear a plain old vampire costume like last year. Have you decided what you’ re going to wear? You looked so great in that Cat Woman costume last year.

W: Me? No, I’ m still not sure. Last year’ s party was great, but I will be at home with my family this year.

Text 7

W: Mr. Davidson, what is a leader in your opinion?

M: Uh, well, um, a leader is someone who. . . leads, I guess. It’ s someone who, uh, sets a good example, uh. . . for others.

W: OK. What kinds of leadership qualities do you think this position requires?

M: Hmm, I would have to say that. . . uh, this position, uh. . . well, someone who is strong and can think quickly and. . .

W: Do you think you are qualified, Mr. Davidson?

M: Oh, yeah, I’ m, like, totally qualified! I would do a great job, for sure, as long as I get paid enough. Can I, uh, ask one question?

W: Go ahead, Mr. Davidson.

M: Where is the bathroom? I must have had too much water today!

W: ( Sigh) It’ s right down the hall. Go ahead and see yourself out afterwards. We will let you know.

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