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例:Alice was         the letter from Tom, but it didn't reach her for some reason.

A. expecting      B. waiting       C. waiting for      D. expected


1. -- I've been invited to a department party tonight. Are you going to come?

-- Oh, I'd really like to, but I have a ton of work. _______.

A. Thank you anyway   B. You're welcome     C. All right      D. With pleasure

2. -- What do you think of the manager of your company?

-- Oh, he is _______ manager who's pleasant to work with. It's _______ pleasure to work with him.

A. the; a               B. a; a               C. a; the        D. 不填; a

3. -- I find it astonishing that John _______ be so rude to me.

-- Not astonishing at all. He is always rude to others.

A. should              B. must             C. might        D. ought to

4. -- The garden has four gates in different directions, so you may enter it and relax through _______ of them in the daytime.

-- Very convenient.

A. none               B. either            C. all,          D. any

5. -- How about your present salary?

-- My basic salary is about $500 and _______ I'll receive some extra income.

A. in general          B. in addition        C. in public     D. in common

6. -- So big a whale! It weighs 10 tons.

-- Yes. I have never seen _______ one.

A. a heavy            B. the heaviest       C. a heavier     D. a heaviest

7. Try this new medicine and have a good rest! Just a few days it takes _______ you will pick up.

A. and                B. or                C. but          D. so

8. Though plastic bags really brought convenience to us, they also _______ many problems for the environment.

A. led to              B. referred to        C. contributed to   D. appealed to

9. Every member tries their best to finish the important work. _______ they aren't permitted to go home on time.

A. therefore           B. meanwhile        C. otherwise     D. somehow

10. Beijing made its decision to cancel the May golden week of Guangdong _______ on a thorough (完全的) consideration.

A. to base               B. basing              C. based        D. having based

11.-- I will give you happily _______ you ask for only if l have.

--I like you indeed.

A. whichever        B. whatever       C. no matter what    D. no matter which

12. This Monday morning I was informed I _______ as one of three exchange students from our college.

A. had been choosing    B. was chosen     C. had been chosen   D.was choosing

13. -- We all wonder _______ the relationship between France and China is good again now?

-- Because the two countries have common national benefits.

A. why it is that        B. why it is          C. that it is why       D. it is why

14. So hard _______ that he can go to an ideal university.

A. studied Tom         B. did Tom study     C. does Tom study   D. studies Tom

15. The population of the village near sea, _______ are making their efforts to develop economy of their own.

A. nearly seventy percent of which depend on fishing

B. of which nearly seventy percent depends on fishing

C. nearly seventy percent of whom depends on fishing

D. of whom nearly seventy percent depend on fishing



Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii on August 4, 1961. His parents  16  while both were  _17   the University of Hawaii at Manoa, where his father was enrolled as a  18   student. Barack Obama's birth name is Barack Hussein Obama.

In the memoir (传记), Barack Obama described his experiences  19  in his mother's American middle class family. Of his early childhood, Barack Obama wrote, "That my father looked nothing  20  the people around me -- that he was  21  as pitch (沥青), my mother white as milk --  22   impressed in my mind. "

When Obama was two years old, his parents divorced. Then the family moved to Indonesia in 1967,   23  Obama attended local schools, such as Asisi, in Jakarta  24  he was ten years old. He then  25   to Honolulu to live with his maternal grandparents (外祖父母) Madalyn and Stanley Dunham, while attending Punahou School from the fifth grade in 1971 until his  26  from high school in 1979.

27  high school, Obama moved to Los Angeles, where he studied at Occidental College (西方学院) for two years.  28  his academic ambitions, he moved to New York's Columbia University, where he  29  his undergraduate degree in political science.

Barack Obama is the first African-American  30  President of the United States. His rich and varied life experiences have  31  his political journey. Baraek Obama is able to  32   parties and people under a similar purpose  33   the challenges of everyday Americans. This is a big part of what makes Barack Obama such a (n)  34  candidate (候选人) in the 2008 election.

On January 20, 2009, Barack Obama  35  the chair of the American President as the 44th President of the country.

16. A. touched           B. met              C. exchanged       D. influenced

17. A. attending          B. leaving            C. quitting       D. overcoming

18. A. hopeful            B. clever             C. foreign        D. promising

19. A. taking up          B. turning up        C. calling up        D. growing up

20. A. like               B. as              C. for           D. on

21. A. black              B. green             C. blue          D. red

22. A. hardly             B. really            C. only          D. probably

23. A. when              B. where           C. while         D. so

24. A. as if               B. because           C. although       D. until

25. A. returned          B. managed          C. travelled       D. went

26. A. independence      B. graduation        C. improvement   D. success

27. A. Adding            B. Catching          C. Following      D. Studying

28. A. To realize        B. To honor          C. To share       D. To enjoy

29. A. aeeei3ted         B. earned            C. arranged       D. rejected

30. A. recommended     B. charged           C. developed      D. elected

31. A. shaped           B. designed          C. proved         D. repeated

32. A. lead              B. combine          C. guide          D. unite

33. A. understanding     B. meeting           C. performing        D. reaching

34. A. experienced       B. attractive         C. suitable           D. famous

35. A. occupied           B. employed       C.received          D.postponed


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