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1. What does the man suggest the woman do about the report?

A. Get it published.        B. Make some changes.      C. Finish reading it.

2. Where will the speakers probably go?

A. To the Grand Cinema.

B. To the Pin Street Cinema.

C. To the Green Street Cinema.

3. What does the man mean?

A. The watch needs repairing.

B. The woman should buy a new watch.

C. The watch isn’t worth repairing.

4. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Driver and passenger.

B. Policewoman and driver.

C. Policewoman and passenger.

5. What are the speakers mainly talking about? xK b1.Co  m

A. A birthday party.         B. The weather.          C. A wedding.




6. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. A friend.                B. A baby.             C. A pet.

7. How does the woman feel now?

A. Disappointed.            B. Regretful.           C. Ashamed.


8. What is the woman thinking about?

A. The exams.         B. The English class.          C. The coming holiday.

9. What does the woman want to do on holiday?

A. Go hiking.          B. Go to the beach.        C. Relax at home.

10. What makes the man change his mind?

A. He thinks hiking is tiring.

B. He wants to be with the woman.

C. He wants to keep away from the cold weather.


11. What does the woman do at the supermarket on busy days?

A. She packages fruit and vegetables.

B. She stocks shelves.

C. She works as a cashier.

12. What does the man dislike about his job?

A. Carrying things around.

B. Working in bad weather.

C. Doing the same things every day.

13. Why do the speakers take part-time jobs?

A. To make money for school.

B. To get working experience.

C. To make full use of their spare time.


14. Why can the woman remember Rob’s birthday?

A. Rob has told her many times.

B. The date is similar to hers.

C. It is in the same month as hers.

15. When is Rob’s birthday?

A. In November.          B. In September.         C. In June.

16. What do we know about Rob?

A. He is in a low mood recently.

B. He is going to hold a birthday party.

C. He will decorate the conference room.

17. What is the probable relationship between Rob and the woman?

A. Colleagues.       B. Boss and secretary.      C. Boyfriend and girlfriend.


18. What did Vernon ask the speaker to do?

A. Look after his house.    B. Check his mailbox.      C. Feed his birds.

19. What happened when the speakers arrived at Vernon’s house?

A. He found he didn’t take the key with him.

B. He found he got the wrong key.

C. He couldn’t open the door.

20. How did the speaker feel when he saw the policeman?

A. Happy.                B. Foolish.               C. Frightened.



21. _______ World Health Organization announced the launch of an international research on a new deadly bird flu, as _______ total number of infections in China rose to 87.

A. The; a           B. The; the         C. /; the          D. /; a

22. Reading ____ the mind only with materials of knowledge; it is thinking that makes what we read ours.

A. furnishes        B. covers           C. satisfies        D. instructs

23. After the earthquake, arrangements were being made for insurance adjusters to gain _______ to the stricken areas.

A. access          B. evaluation        C. approach       D. measure

24. In no country        Britain, as has been said,         experience four seasons in the course of a single day.

A. other than; one can               B. rather than; one can

C. other than; can one               D. rather than; can one

25. Nobody thought we could win this tournament but we kept faith in ourselves and made ____ to the top.

A. ourselves        B. us              C. that            D. it

26. Radium salts, which have been found to _______ in bones, give rise to cancers of the bone.

A. pick up         B. build up          C. keep up        D. pull up

27. ----- As we know, you won’t go back to the USA since you have established a research center here. But how long _____ in America?

----- For almost 10 years.

A. did you study                    B. have you studied

C. were you studying                D. have you been studying

28. Are you still here? You were here half an hour ago. Who ______ for?

A. were you waiting    B. did you wait    C. are you waiting   D. do you wait

29. When Ella slipped out of the classroom, she kept her head down, _____ to be noticed.

A. trying not       B. not trying         C. to try not       D. not to try

30. _____ in books all day without proper relaxation accounts for the decline of his death.

A. Buried    B. Having been buried     C. Being buried      D. Burying

31. Thank you for the great trouble _____ help me with my English.

A. that you have taken to           B. you have had to

C. which you paid and             D. that you have made to

32. When I first knew her, she _____ very careless at times, but she’s quite careful now.

A. could be     B. couldn’t have been     C. must have been     D. must be

33. Asked in an NBC News interview _______ North Korea could put a nuclear weapon on a missile, Obama said, “Based on our current intelligence assessments, we do not think that they have that ability.”

A. how            B. whether          C. even if         D. in case

34. Ships must have more than one radio operators _____ someone is always awake to receive messages 24 hours.

A. if              B. since            C. while           D. so

35. ------ It is immoral to smoke in public.

------ _______, but I often see that kind of thing.

A. I don’t think so                 B. I’m with you there

C. it’s no surprise                  D. it doesn’t make sense


Brenda Linson never goes anywhere without an empty glasses case. It’s as    36    to her as her purse. Yet, she   37   glasses.

The reason why Brenda can’t go without the   38   is that she can’t read or write. If ever she gets into any situation   39   she might be expected to do   40   of these things, she fishes around in her bag, finds it’s   41   and asks the person concerned to do the   42   for her. Brenda also has many other tactics (策略) to   43   her difficulty ------ for example, never staying too long near a phone at work   44   she had to answer it and might be   45   to write something down.

It has never   46   to the children that their mother can’t read. She doesn’t read them stories, but their father doesn’t, either, so they find nothing   47   in the fact.   48    they just accept that   49   is the one who writes the sick notes and reads the school reports. Now that the elder boy is quite a good reader. Brenda can   50   get him to read any notes brought from school simply by   51  : “what’s that all about, then?”

Even Brenda’s husband never   52   the truth in their ten years of marriage. For one thing, he   53   handling domestic letters and bills himself.   54   he travels a great deal as a salesman in a large company. So he couldn’t be   55   astonished when his wife told him the secret.


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