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英语属于印欧语系中日耳曼语族下的西日耳曼语支,并通过英国的殖民活动传播到世界各地。威廉希尔app 为大家推荐了高考英语热身模拟试卷,请大家仔细阅读,希望你喜欢。



第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)




1. What will the man do at the weekend?

A. Shop.             B. Fish.            C. Swim.

2. What do we know about Tommy’s new book?

A. It’ll be some time before it comes out.

B. It has only seven chapters in all.

C. It was published three days ago.

3. What does the man think of those women?

A. They’re dirty. B. They’re nosy(爱管闲事的). C. They’re friendly.

4. What time is it now?

A. 915.             B. 945.             C. 1000.

5. Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A. In the countryside.       B. At the roadside.        C. At the market.




6. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?

A. Their friendship.   B. Jeffrey’s work.   C. Jeffrey’s promotion.

7. What did Jeffrey do before?

A. A salesman.       B. A sales manager.    C. A secretary.

8. Why did Jeffrey quit his first job?

A. Because he was less paid than now.

B. Because he couldn’t see any hope.

C. Because he didn’t meet his boss’ needs.


9. What’s the most probable relationship between the two speakers?

A. Professor and student.  B. Headmaster and teacher.  C. Employer and employee.

10. How long will the meeting last?

A. Two hours.    B. Two hours and a half.  C. Three hours.

11. When will they probably meet each other again?

A. After 1100.           B. In the morning.          C. After 3 p.m.


12. What will the boy do tomorrow?

A. He’ll stay at home.  B. He’ll go to school.  C. He’ll play football.

13. What is wrong with the boy?

A. He got a cough.  B. His nose hurt.      C. He caught a cold.

14. What day is it today?

A. Friday.                B. Saturday.           C. Sunday.


15. What are the two speakers talking about?

A. Going to the States.    B. Choosing universities. C. Learning something.

16. Who is Xiao Lin?

A. The man’s friend.   B. The woman’s friend.  C. A foreign student.

17. What will the woman do finally?

A. She’ll pay a visit to Florida.

B. She’ll soon meet Xiao Lin.

C. She’ll write to Xiao Lin.


18. How did the parents persuade the state to allow them to teach children at home?

A. They had different faith from what was taught at school.

B. They had no money to buy textbooks and other materials.

C. Their houses were far away from the nearest school.

19. How many American children are going to study at home school this autumn?

A. 1.5 million.               B. 3 million.             C. 45 thousand.

20. Which is a disadvantage of homeschooling criticized by people?

A. Teachers are much experienced.

B. The children are quite lonely.

C. Parents are unable to do it.




21. Maybe you have been to many famous restaurants, but nowhere else ____ on such ducks.

A. you can feast  B. can you taste  C. you can taste  D. can you feast

22. I feel sure that ____ qualification, ability and experience, you are the very person who

are suited to the position.

A. on account of  B. in spite of    C. in terms of  D. by means of

23.He ____ unwisely, but he was at least trying to do something helpful.

A. should have acted  B. must have acted

C. may have acted  D. would have acted

24. He is trying to ____ his lost time by burning the midnight oil.

A. keep up with   B. make use of

C. make up for   D. catch up with

25. —I don’t suppose he might have received a good education in his childhood, ____he?

— ____, he is polite and well behaved and act like a gentleman.

A. did;Yes  B. has; Yes  C. has; No  D. did; No

26.The score that a student obtains before any adjustment and transformation is called the ____ score.

A. bare   B. raw   C. primitive  D. crude

27. A modern city has been set up in ____ was a wasteland ten years ago.

A. what   B. which   C. that   D. where

28. All the citizens here strongly insist those found ____ “harmful” advertisement in the streets ____ punished strictly.

A. putting up; will be   B. to put up; should be

C. being put up; shall be   D. putting up; be

29. —It was really kind of you to give a lift home.

—Oh, don’t mention it. I ____ past your house anyway.

A. was coming      B. will come      C. had come     D. have come

30. ____ the danger from enemy action, people had to cope with a severe shortage of food, clothing, fuel, and almost everything.

A. As soon as      B. As long as     C. As well as    D. As far as

31. They overcame all the difficulties and completed the project two months ahead of time, ____ is something we had not expected.

A. what       B. it       C. that      D. which

32. The Cheryl haven’t decided yet which hotel ____.

A. to stay   B. is to stay    C. to stay at  D. is for staying

33.John shut everyone out of the kitchen ____ he could prepare his grand surprise for the party. A. which   B. where C. so that   D. as though

34.Fat cannot change into muscle ____ muscle changes into fat.

A. any more than     B. no more than

C. no less than      D. much more than

35. —Dear, I’m afraid I’ll not be able to go rock climbing with you this weekend. I have to finish the graduate essay.

— _____

A. I can’t agree more.    B. How disappointing!

C. You hurt me!      D. It doesn’t matter.



The mountains in the distance are white now. Not long ago, they were brown. Living in Idaho, I had the opportunity to watch the seasons coming full 36, making its changes on those mountains, which I 37 tire of seeing.

In September, the sides of the mountains were 38 green with the leaves of sage brush. Near the top were pines. The days moved on. The weather 39 ; the rain didn’t fall; the leaves 40. The mountains changed.

Fall 41 winter. I stood in the rain and watched the top of the mountains 42 blinding white. Long before the first snows fell in the valley, the mountains were covered with fresh powder. The sun set; the lights on the ski slopes 43 the side of the mountains a dazzling white.

Winter turned to spring. The snow in the valley disappeared and made 44 retreat(撤退) up the slopes until it was gone once again. The weeks passed, and the green in the valley 45 steadily up the slopes like a reversed waterfall. The mountains were 46 I first saw them, green and lush.

I saw so many changes, but were they 47? The mountains never change. Like people, they only change coat to 48 the weather. They don’t allow outside influences to change what 49 under their coats of changing colors. They are the same.

I’m in my third season of life. A little snow has 50 at my peak. Some of the sage brush is 51 all together. Next year and all my years to 52, I want to be as constant as a mountain. Although my looks change, I want to be 53. My body will change coat many times, but whatever the seasons of life 54, I never change inside. I never allow the pressures of the seasons or the weathers of life to change 55 I am underneath.

36.A.bicycle  B.return  C.recycle D.circle

37.A.always  B.never   C.ever  D.even

38.A.changed  B.painted  C.grown D.covered

39.A.heated  B.brightened  C.cooled D.lighted

40.A.disappeared  B.browned  C.became D.died

41.A.pushed way to B.gave birth to C.led way to D.gave way to

42.A.turn   B.turning  C.to turn D.being turned

43.A.showed  B.gave   C.cleaned D.lit

44.A.them   B.themselves C.  itself  D.it

45.A.ran   B.flowed  C.went  D.colored

46.A.when   B.before  C.as  D.though

47.A.changes  B.appearances C.looks  D.seasons

48.A.match  B.welcome  C.go  D.fit

49.A.hides   B.lies   C.lays  D.stands

50.A.ended  B.found  C.gathered D.put

51.  A. thrown  B. gone   C. flied  D. escaped

52.A.go    B.manage  C.catch  D.follow

53.A.honorable  B.reliable  C.enjoyable D.comfortable

54.A.  takes  B.carries  C.brings D.lifts

55.A.who   B.that   C.which D.what




The morning plenary session of the 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit started here Tuesday morning

Giving an opening remark at the beginning of the session, South Korean President Lee Myung-bak said it is the obligation of world leaders to maintain peace and security of all mankind. Therefore, they must carry out all means to prevent terrorists from obtaining nuclear materials.

President of the United States Barack Obama said more nations come to the summit "not to talk but to take actions", adding that international cooperation is needed to fight against nuclear terrorism.

Leaders and representatives from more than 50 nations and four international institutions gathered here to discuss the response to nuclear terrorism, protection of nuclear materials and facilities as well as prevention of illegal trafficking of nuclear materials.

The Seoul communiqué, to be announced on Tuesday, is expected to reaffirm the international commitments to minimizing the use of highly-enriched uranium (高浓缩铀) and expand discussions on nuclear safety in the context of nuclear security following the nuclear crisis in Japan.

56. What is the main purpose of the passage?

A. To show the importance of the international peace and security.

B. To call for the whole world to fight against the terrorism.

C. To tell the whole world the main topic of the conference hold in Seoul.

D. To make the world leaders understand how important it is to keep peace.

57. How many delegates participated in the conference?

A. 50.   B. at least 50.   C. more than 54.   D. at most 54.

58. What is the meaning of the word underlined in the last paragraph?

A. newspaper.  B. journal.   C. local TV program.  D. official report.

59. We can learn from the passage that _________.

A. More and more countries intend to take part in the conference.

B. The nuclear safety have become a serious problem nowadays.

C. American president Barack Obama is threatening the world peace.


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