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英语是世界上最广泛使用的语言。威廉希尔app 为大家推荐了高考英语考前模拟试卷,请大家仔细阅读,希望你喜欢。



从A、B、C和D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。

1. --- Good morning, Pro. Lee. Could you tell me how I did on Friday’s test?

--- Well, let’s see… _____ This is your best result ever!

A. What a pity!  B. What a mess! C. No way!    D. Congratulations!

2. As is reported, the CPI (consumer price index) went up mainly because of _______ 8 percent

rise in _______ food prices.

A. an; 不填          B. an; the     C. 不填;the    D.不填; 不填

3. In a harmonious society, everyone enjoys equal civil rights ______ his or her educational level and background.

A. regardless of     B. in addition to        C. apart from   D. in terms of

4. Today we have chat rooms, text messaging, emailing… but we seem _______ the art of

communicating face to face.

A. losing        B. to be losing      C. to be lost     D. having lost

5. It is common for us to present something as a fact ______ it is actually an opinion.

A. once    B. before    C. when   D. if

6. I ________your birthday party last night but for the fact that it was raining at that time.

A. would attend                       B. would have attended

C. had attended                       D. should have attended

7. Malaysian Prime Minister announced on Monday that the missing Malaysia Airlines MH370 ended in the Southern Indian Ocean, but many said it lacked _____ evidence.

A. fierce       B. severe         C. solid        D. potential

8.  The world is more forgiving than commonly ______, so we should be optimistic about life.

A.  supposed      B. promoted  C. declared      D. required

9. The airplane had a good _____ of newspapers, magazines, television programs, food and drinks. The meal even included a serving of Hagen-Dazs ice cream.

A. offer         B. number          C. supply        D. amount

10.— Mr. Brown, could you help me with my math?

—Sure. Come to my office at 7 pm. I _____ several other kids math then and you can join us.

A. have been teaching                 B. have taught

C. will teach                         D. will be teaching

11. One possibility is that tears get rid of certain chemicals from your body _____ build up during stress.

A. to which  B. that C. where      D. in which

12. In 2003, figures showed that there were 840,000 HIV carriers and 80,000 AIDS patients in China, _____ it the worst-affected country in Asia next to India.

A. having made   B. to make      C. making     D. made

13.Testing services for indoor air pollutants (PM2.5) will be_______ free for Shanghai  residents to promote green living concepts.

A. acceptable B. adaptable  C. available   D. accessible

14. _____ I could remember about it was beautiful, European-style buildings, the smell of popcorn and fun entertainment.

A. One      B. Everything      C. Anything           D. All

15. Chemical pollution will bring about a threat to agriculture and food chain, and ________ to human health.

A. frequently B. significantly  C. steadily     D. consequently

16. The eyes behind the glasses, dark and quick-moving, ______ everything at a glance.

A. took on   B. took over  C. took up  D. took in

17. We have to say that nowadays, the soul of Chinese basic education is competition _____ learning.

A. other than    B. less than     C. more than    D. rather than

18.  Books are becoming digital, but most stories will never find ______ media than the printed novel.

A. larger   B. better    C. busier   D. quicker

19. The government _______ a serious currency policy to prevent the prices rising constantly and keep them balanced.

A. advocated B. consulted C. adapted  D. conducted

20. — You won’t believe it, Sam. I was chosen as an exchange student to China.

— Congratulations! _______

A. That’s something.  B. You did a good job.

C. That’s all right.  D. You got it.


阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 21~40 各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。

On the outskirts of a town in England nestles a nice cottage with a large garden where there lives an old man. The old man is seen pruning, watering or __21__ his flowers all the time. The garden is so __22__ that every passer-by cannot help but halt for a glance.

One day a young painter went by the old man’s garden. He __23__the splendid garden and the special cottage __24__ lost in admiration at the beauty of these sceneries, __25__ how happy he could be if he lived in such a beautiful place. __26__, suddenly he found the gardener was blind. __27__, the painter approached that old man, asking “Why are you busying tending these flowers every day __28__ you can not see as a matter of fact?” The blind man __29__ an answer that “I can tell you four reasons. First, I was a gardener when I was young, and I really like the job. Second, although I can’t see these flowers, __30__ I can touch them. Third, I can smell the sweetness of them. As to the last one, that’s you.”

“Me? But you don’t know me.” responded the painter.

“Yeah,it’s true that I don’t know you. But I know flowers are earthly angels, which everyone knows and would never __31__them down. I know many people who are enthusiastic in life would __32__ and the beauty of my garden will get them into a good __33__. In the meantime, it also __34__ a chance to me to have a word with you here and to enjoy the happiness these flowers have brought us.”

The old man’s words touched me. He grows flowers and _35__ them as a link of minds so as to make everyone enjoy the delightful beauty which has had our eyes _36_.

The blind man in the garden is __37__ but not lonely. All the flower-appreciators are his friends; all flowers are his neighbors. The flowers sleep in the bosom of moonlight and __38__ with the dew’s kiss. I believe every flower has eyes with which they can see the __39__ of the old man’s heart and the sweetness of his soul.

The blind man grows flowers in his heart. __40__ the sight of the beauty of blossoming, he surely can hear the voice of it.

21. A. digging   B. picking  C. fertilizing   D. planting

22. A. well-presented B. well-tended  C. well-protected  D. well-reserved

23. A. glanced at  B. gazed at  C. glared at   D. looked into

24. A. totally      B. sincerely  C. firmly    D. especially

25. A. painting   B. drawing  C. picturing   D. seeing

26. A. Then   B. However  C. So    D. And

27. A. Excited   B. Moved  C. Shocked   D. Frightened

28. A. when   B. which   C. what     D. why

29. A. smiled   B. talked   C. said    D. spoke

30. A. but    B. so   C. yet    D. and

31. A. get    B. take   C. put    D. turn

32. A. stop by   B. wander by  C. walk by   D. pass by

33. A. state   B. mood   C. condition   D. situation

34. A. invents   B. finds   C. discovers   D. creates

35. A. works   B. sells   C. serves    D. allows

36. A. feasted   B. shone   C. comforted   D. greeted

37. A. kind   B. alone   C. sad    D. upset

38. A. ring up   B. make up  C. take up   D. wake up

39. A. sadness   B. kindness  C. sympathy   D. patience

40. A. Losing   B. Missing  C. Failing   D. Overlooking




A note written to an Iowa radio station is getting worldwide attention.

The radio station has an annual tradition where listeners send in “wish letters,” and the hosts select a handful of wishes to broadcast. They’ve been making Christmas dreams come true for more than 20 years, but they have never received a letter quite like this.

Last week, the hosts of Des Moines radio station Star 102.5 invited listener David Schmitz to their annual Christmas show, but the station didn’t tell Schmitz who had sent in the wish for his family.

They read this letter to him on the air: “Hello, my name is Brenda Schmitz, when you receive this letter, I will have already lost my battle to cancer.”

The letter was dated August 3, 2011. Brenda Schmitz passed away less than two months after she wrote it. But Brenda Schmitz had given this note to a friend, with instructions on when to mail it.

The letter said: “I told her once my loving husband David had moved on in his life, and met someone to share his life with again, to mail this letter to all of you at the station.”

David Schmitz recently met and fell in love with Jayne Abraham. He asked her to marry him this September.

Brenda Schmitz had three wishes for the family she left behind, their four sons, as well as the new family David Schmitz was starting. She wrote, “I was hoping that one small act you all could do for me could change their lives forever, and they know I am with them always.”

The first wish was to David Schmitz’s new partner. The letter said: “An impressive weekend. Make her smile, and know her efforts are truly appreciated by me. Thank you, I love you whoever you are.”

Her second wish was to David Schmitz and their children. She wrote, “For my family, a wonderful trip. Somewhere where they all can enjoy their companionship as a family and make memories that will be with them forever.”

Lastly, Brenda Schmitz wanted to give a night of food and fun to the hospital staff that cared for her during her final days.

It was a letter David Schmitz wasn’t expecting to receive, but one that didn’t surprise him either. He said, “She had great foresight(远见). But afterwards, quite touching.”

And as a part of her final wishes, Brenda Schmitz left a separate letter to David Schmitz’s new wife.

Jayne said, “The biggest thing was that at the end of the letter, she said, ‘I love you.’ And that was the hardest, most pleasant thing that I received.”

Brenda Schmitz ended the letter with this: “May God bless and keep all of you safe there, thanks for this. When you wish upon a star, Brenda.”

A number of local businesses tried to make her wishes come true. They raised money, and will be sending the family to Disney World.

44. What can we learn from the passage?

A. David was moved as well as shocked at the letter.

B. The hospital staff had a good time for several days.

C. Brenda’s children will have a trip to Disney World.

D. Brenda had the letter mailed two months after her death.

45. What qualities best describe Brenda?

A. Active and optimistic. B. Loving and selfless.

C. Enthusiastic and generous. D. Brave and confident.


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