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英语是当今世界上主要的国际通用语言之一,以下是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的高考英语5月模拟试卷,希望可以解决您所遇到的相关问题,加油,威廉希尔app 一直陪伴您。



第一节:  单项填空( 共20小题:每小题0.5分,满分10分)

从A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。

1.---Please inform Jack of the exact time of the arrival of the airplane.

---____? He will come here tonight.

A. Why bother        B. Why not       C. So what        D. What for

2. What ____ great fun we are having! I’ll never forget ____ Christmas like it.

A. a; a               B. a; the          C. a; /           D. /; a

3. He was no longer a (an)____ who failed in big events, like the 2008 Beijing

Olympics, where he finished an unimpressive 11th.

A. anything            B. nothing        C. anybody       D. nobody

4. ____ for its well-preserved ancient Tibetan houses, Dukezong was one of the

most popular resorts in Shangri-la.

A. Knowing         B. To know       C. To be known    D. Known

5. In the eyes of some people, Japan has been ____ the list of the unpleasant places for sightseeing in consequence of the severe nuclear leak.

A. put down           B. put on         C. put off          D. put up

6. Great inventors don’t ____ graduate from famous universities. Some didn’t even go to university.

A. really             B. nearly          C. necessarily       D. likely

7. The number of the students in senior high school, ____ is mentioned above, is increasing.

A. as                B. which          C. what            D. who

8. The celebration of National Hugging Day has moved beyond America’s borders. It seems the day might ____ and start in other countries.

A. hold on           B. count on         C catch on         D. take on

9. I’m glad you told me about the concert being cancelled. ____ I’d have traveled all the way to Beijing for nothing.

A. Therefore         B. Otherwise         C. Besides        D. However

10.—Can I pay the bill by check?

--- Sorry, sir. But it is the management rules of our hotel that payment ____ be made in cash.

A. shall            B. mustn’t           C. can’t           D. will

11.—Can those ____ at the back of the classroom hear me?

---No problem.

A. seat              B. sit              C. seated           D. sat

12. Some plants are vey ____ to light; they prefer the shade.

A. sensible           B. available        C. adjustable        D. sensitive

13. While there are quite a few differences in the education system, in many countries education is ____.

A. usual             B. regular          C. normal           D. universal

14.—I failed again. I wish I ____ harder.

---But you ____.

A. had worked; hadn’t  B. worked; don’t    C. worked; didn’t      D. had worked; didn’t

15. Could it be in the room____ we had a talk last night ____ you left the key?

A. that; where        B. where; when     C. where; that        D. in which; where

16.The manager, ____ it clear to us that we should stick to the plan, left the meeting room.

A. who has made      B. having made     C. made            D. making

17.Our English teacher told us to find out ____ the differences between American English and British English lie.

A. where             B. how            C. what            D. which

18.There are various things on sale, so you can choose____ interests you.

A. whoever           B. no matter who    C. whatever         D. no matter what

19. She hurriedly left the room without saying anything as if ____.

A. she angry          B. was angry        C. it was angry      D. angry

20.Don’t be discouraged. ____things as they are and you will enjoy every day of your life.

A. Taking            B. To take          C. Take            D. Taken



Of course, she wasn't really my aunt and, out of fear, I never called her that to her face. I only __21__ to her as "My Aunt Fannie" because it always made my father chuckle and my mother look __22__at both of us—at me for being __23__of my elder and at my father for __24__my bad behavior. I __25__ both reactions so I grasped every opportunity to work the name into as many conversations as possible.

As a young woman, my mother had worked in the __26__ of a large Victorian farmhouse owned by Fannie Cratty and her twin brother, Farnsworth. They represented the __27__of the Cratty line. Neither had married __28__had any living heirs(继承人) and my father once told me in a whisper that it was because they were both too __29__to share their family wealth. During those years my mother helped Aunt Fanny make the best blueberry jam ever __30__by anyone in Glenfield. She was noted for her jam and for never __31__ the recipe with anyone else. __32__my mother knew the recipe by heart, as long as Aunt Fannie was alive, she __33__ made the jam without Ms. Cratty in our kitchen to direct the process and preserve the secret.

One year, after I had been particularly helpful with the jam process Aunt Fannie gave me a __34__ and then made me promise that I would never spend it. "__35__ this quarter," she said, "and some day you will be rich. I still have my very first quarter given by my grandfather." It had obviously __36__ for her. So I followed her advice.

I now have the blueberry jam recipe and the quarter from Aunt Fannie. In people's eye Aunt Fannie's __37__was attributed to that secret recipe. But to me, it was just a __38__recipe. However, I keep them as __39__to hold firmly the valuable things in life. Money can make you feel rich for a while, but it is the relationships and the memories of time spent with friends and family that truly leave you wealthy. And that is a __40__that anyone can build.

21 A. called        B. thought         C. regarded         D. referred

22. A. coldly        B. severely        C. delightedly       D. politely

23. A. disappointed   B. disagreeable     C. disrespectful     D. dissatisfied

24. A. encouraging   B. scolding        C. forcing          D. pushing

25. A. hated         B. respected       C. treated          D. enjoyed

26. A. barn        B. kitchen         C. yard            D. garden

27. A. beginning      B. start           C. end             D. glory

28. A. nor           B. and            C. but             D. yet

29. A. proud         B. generous       C. strict            D. mean

30. A. seen          B. tasted          C. cooked          D. sold

31. A. sharing        B. telling         C. selling           D. giving

32. A. As though      B. As if          C. Even though      D. Even if

33. A. ever           B. never          C. still             D. yet

34. A. quarter        B. bill          C. note            D. cheque

35. A. Hold back     B. Hold up        C. Hold onto       D. Hold out

36. A. mattered       B. failed         C .succeeded        D. worked

37. A. sorrow         B. success        C. schedule         D. signature

38. A. usual          B. normal        C. ordinary          D. common

39. A. regulations     B. reflections     C. reminders         D. rewards

40.  A. future         B. fortune       C. fantasy           D. favor


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