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英语不止做为一门语言和交流工具,而是被提升到了必备技能的范畴,以下是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的高考英语学科模拟考试试题,希望可以解决您所遇到的相关问题,加油,威廉希尔app 一直陪伴您。





第一节  (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)




1. What is the woman probably?

A.A teacher.    B.A student.    C.A doctor.

2. What are the speakers talking about?

A. Weather.    B. Population.    C.A disaster.

3. Whose birthday is coming?

A. The man's.    B. Jessica's.    C. The woman's.

4. How does the man usually go to work?

A. By bike.    B. By car.    C. By bus.

5. What does the man know about the car crash?

A. It occurred on a street near his workplace.

B. No one got injured seriously in it.

C. It's the second accident in his area.







6. How old was the man when he broke his left leg?

A. 22 years old.    B.21 years old.    C. 23 years old.

7. What will the woman do next?

A. Help the man find a parking place.

B. Make an appointment with the professor.

C. Check the man's student ID and permission letter.

听第 7段材料,回答第 8.9题。

8. What was the man doing when the snowstorm happened?

A. Having classes at school.

B. Climbing the mountain.

C. Visiting his friends.

9. Who is missing?

A. The man's sister.

B. The man's neighbor.

C. The man's friend.

10. When did the accident happen?

A. At 8:00 a.m. yesterday.

B. At 8:00 p.m. today.

C. At 8:00 a.m. today.

11. What was the student doing when the accident happened?

A. Using his iPad.

B. Talking on the phone.

C. Checking his bag.

12. What is the last piece of information that the man corrects?

A. The student didn't stand up right after the accident.

B. The student asked for help right after the accident.

C. The speed of the car was too high.

13. What is newly decorated in the first apartment?

A. The bathroom.         B. The bedroom.         C. The kitchen.

14. How many female students want to find a roommate according to the


A. Three.             B. Two.              C. Four.

15. What is the woman's phone number?

A. 763-4652.            B. 256-4652.           C. 256-4367.

16. What can we learn from the conversation?

A. The woman is unfamiliar with the city.

B. The man will see the apartment with the woman immediately.

C. The woman has been driving around the city.

听第 10段材料,回答第 17至 20题。

17. Why doesn't the speaker suggest buying first aid boxes?

A. They don't contain enough supplies.

B. They are not always suited to our needs.

C. They are too expensive.

18. What does the amount of basic medicine in the first aid box depend on?

A. The space in the first aid box.

B. The habits of one's family or group.

C. The size of one's family or group.

19. When is a lightweight first aid box particularly important?

A. When someone in the family is seriously ill.

B. When we take a trip away from home.

C. When our doctor isn't very well.

20. What does the last tip mention?

A. Including other things like emergency phone numbers.

B. Finding as large a bag as possible.

C. Taking basic medical supplies other than medicine.

第二部分  阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)

第一节  (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)




Dear Readers,

Thank you for your continued support of Worldpress. org. When World

Press Review magazine shut down in April 2004, and it became clear that the plug

would be pulled on the Web site as well, my company, All Media Inc.,

purchased the rights to Worldpress. org. Since then it has been a tough but

rewarding experience running the Web site.

When Worldpress. org first launched in 1997, we had 50 unique visitors.

Today we have over 140,000 unique visitors and 360,000 page views per month.

Our tremendous growth stands as testimony to the importance of presenting the

issues and debates from around the world.

Since our launch,  Worldpress. org has published thousands of articles-from

daily news reports and analyses of ongoing political events, to essays on history,

social issues, and popular culture. Our unbiased(没有偏见的)reporting and our

commitment to giving voice to the voiceless have won us international respect and


But respect and recognition is not why we do what we do.

Worldpress. org wants to continue bringing you news and views from around

the world, but these are difficult times. We need your help.

Although we feel uncomfortable asking for your assistance, the demise(转

让)of the magazine has taught us a valuable lesson: If our readers don't know

about our financial struggle, they can't help us meet our needs.

Worldpress. org depends upon consulting fees,  advertising revenue,  ancillary

product sales and donations to ensure its success.

You can support Worldpress. org by visiting our site often and telling

everyone you know about us. The more visitors we have to the site, the better

our chances to continue our work.

You can also help support  Worldpress. org by buying our products, using our

services, and clicking on our advertisements.

Yet another way you can help support Worldpress. org is by making a

donation to our General Operations fund.

The demands of the current political situation face Worldpress. org with new

responsibilities and ever-more challenging tasks. The wars in Iraq and

Afghanistan, the growing attacks on democratic rights, and the disturbing living

conditions of people around the world all play a huge part in why Worldpress. org

feels it must continue to give a voice to the mostly voiceless.

Again, thank you for your continued support.

Sincerely                                                                                    Teri Schure


21. From Paragraphs 2 and 3 we can infer that Worldpress.org has _

A. attracted all visitors around the world

B. published articles covering all aspects of the world

C. made great achievements

D. won all respect and recognition from across the world

22.  World Press Review magazine shut down possibly because

A. it has no advertisement

B. it is short of money

C. it has a small number of readers

D. its staff are not hardworking

23. The letter is intended to

A. bring the readers more news

B. meet the readers' needs

C. support the readers

D. get readers' continued support


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