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英语属于印欧语系中日耳曼语族下的西日耳曼语支,并通过英国的殖民活动传播到世界各地。威廉希尔app 为大家推荐了高三英语高考模拟考试试题,请大家仔细阅读,希望你喜欢。



1. What was the weather like in California during the man’s stay?

A. Sunny   B. Cloudy   C. Rainy

2. When will the park close next Saturday?

A. At 9:00  B. At 9:30   C. At 9:45

3. What is the woman going to do after school?

A. Go shopping. B. See a dentist.  C. Have a tennis lesson

4. What are the speakers talking about?

A. A book.  B. Some pictures.  C. A writer.

5. What is Debbie like?

A. She’s tall.  B. She has dark hair. C. She has short hair.




6. How does the woman feel about the dance competition?

A. Excited.  B. Nervous.  C. Confident.

7. What is the woman looking forward to most?

A. Dancing in front of many people

B. Watching good dancers on stage.

C. Making some good new friends.


8. What did the woman do at the Media Camp?

A. She learnt poster design.  B. She studied film-making C. She wrote for a magazine.

9. Why did the woman spend her holiday at the Media Camp?

A. She was persuaded by her brother.

B. She wanted to try something different.

C. She was interested in the movie industry.


10. Where will the pictures be put?

A. In the classrooms.  B. In the school hall.  C. In the sports hall.

11. Who will open the art show?

A. A pop singer.   B. The headteacher.   C. A TV actor.

12. What is the woman going to do at the art show?

A. Sell tickets.    B. Serve drinks.   C. Introduce the pictures.

听第9段材料, 回答第13至16题。

13. What does Kirsty do first?

A. He practices shooting.  B. He goes swimming.  C. He takes a walk.

14. What does Kirsty do at midday?

A. He takes a rest.   B. He meets his coaches.  C. He drives to the riding school.

15. What does Kirsty do before supper?

A. He does some exercises in the gym.

B. He rides a horse.

C. He goes running.

16. When does Kirsty finish his football practice?

A. At 6:30  B. At 7:30   C. At 9:00


17. Where can the listeners find cash machines?

A. On the first floor.  B. On the second floor.  C. On the third floor.

18. When will the bus leave?

A. At about 3:30 p.m.  B. At about 4:00 p.m.  C. At about 5:00 p.m.

19. What advice does the speaker give the listeners?

A. Visit some artists.  B. Enjoy some paintings. C. Have a picture painted.

20. How odes the speaker suggest the listeners make phone calls?

A. By borrowing the speaker’s mobile phone.

B. By using the pay phone in the shopping center.

C. By asking for special service at the Internet café.

笔 试 部 分











On August 16, 1977, Elvis Presley saved me.

The previous afternoon, I played with my six-year-old peers in Heather Peters’ backyard. I was enjoying my cake, when Heather asked me where my sleeping bag was. Only then did I know this party was a sleepover. The word “sleep-over” to a six-year-old bed-wetter is like what “cancer” means to an adult. But what if I told them I was a bed-wetter? At least with cancer, people gather at your bedside instead of running from it.

I thought of a way to escape. I would explain that I needed my mother's permission to spend the nights. But as I called my Mom, Heather stood beside me to listen. She granted permission! Then I would be sleeping in the same living room as the other girls. I didn't bring my own pajamas (睡衣),so Mrs. Peters offered me Heather's pajamas.

As the other girls drifted into their sweet dreams, I tried to stay awake. “Do I need to go again? I'll stay up to go one more time.. .”.Of course , I finally fell asleep.

The next morning , I was the first to wake up. I was warm! I lay in panic for what seemed like hours before the other girls started to wake up. I did the only thing I could do — I pretended that the bed-wetting didn't happen. I got up, took off Heather's pajamas and changed into my clothes like the other girls.

Mrs. Peters walked into the room, and before she could say anything, she stepped right onto the pile of my wet pajamas. My heart stopped as I watched her face burn red. “WHO DID THIS?” She screamed, with a look so frightening. Should I answer? And that was when it happened — Mr. Peters came in and grabbed his wife , ‘‘Elvis Presley died!”

The news of the King's death overtook Mrs. Peters, and I ,was spared. I got home without the other girls knowing what had happened.

21. The author had to spend the night at Peters' because ________.

A. she enjoyed her cake there         B. the famous singer Elvis Presley died that night

C. her mother allowed her to do so    D. It was a routine of the party

22. Mrs. Peters got angry because ________.

A. she found the wet pajamas B. Elvis Presley passed away

C. her husband was rude to her D. all the girls slept at her house

23. From the story, we know Mrs. Peters was ________.

A. a bad-tempered woman B. a fan of Elvis Presley

C. a woman for perfection D. a woman who hated to wash pajamas

24. The passage is mainly about ________.

A. an embarrassing childhood incident       B. a fan-purchasing experience

C. the shocking death of a famous singer     D. an unfriendly hostess


BEIJING — China's education authority will tighten the widely criticized policy of “extra credits” for the national college entrance examination to ensure a fairer chance for all exam-takers.

Under the policy, high school students who win awards in national Olympic competitions could get ‘‘extra credits’, up to 20 points for the national college entrance exam. Students with talent in sports and students who are from ethnic groups can also benefit from this policy. The extra credits have increased these students' chances of being admitted by famous universities. Some parents were found to have helped their children fabricate(伪造)award experiences or falsify qualifications to get extra credits.

“It has harmed education equality,” the ministry said.

Xiong Bingqi, vice-chief of the 21st Century Education Research Institute, said the policy is designed to help students who have special talents but may be weak in academic performance to have a chance to receive higher education. It will still be needed but it is time to make the rules fairer," he said.

The ministry said it will reduce the range of competitions whose winners can get extra credits, and limit the winners, privileges.

The new policy will apply to students who begin high school in 2011, it said.

Chen Lei, a mother of a 10-year-old girl, said she welcomed the ministry's policy adjustment as she does not want her daughter to become an Olympic competition geek.

But not all the Chinese parents welcomed the new policy. “It is like a thunderbolt for me. My 13-year-old son has spent so much time studying Olympic math, and participated in so many technological competitions during vacations. It is useless now,” said Dong Wen, a 43-year-old mother.[]

A student said, “Many students have changed the current study plan, and they can abandon the competition. I will be interested in learning the courses which can improve my abilities.”

Yuan Guiren, minister of education, told China Daily that the reform is an attempt to consider the overall quality of an applicant. “But the country will not stop the national college entrance  examination as it is still the most objective way to evaluate talent in China,” he said.

25. It can be inferred from the passage that_____.

A. high school students with talent in sports are weak in academic performance

B. students who win awards in Olympic competitions can't get extra credits in 2011

C. the number of competitions whose winners can be awarded extra credits will be smaller

D. he extra credits have reduced students' chances of being admitted by famous colleges

26. What does the underlined word “geek” probably mean?

A. a winner   B. a smart learner   C. a competitor D. a dull student

27. Which person in the passage was strongly against the new policy?

A. Xiong Bingqi  B. Chen Lei      C. Dong Wen     D. Yuan Guiren

28. What might be the best title for the text?

A. “Extra credits” policy in China to be adjusted   B. Promotion of national Olympic competitions

C. Advice on the national college entrance exam   D. Chinese government to push education reform


New York----Michelle Obama made a daring decision to return to the same designer who created her Inaugural (就职)Ball dress four years ago -- and the risk paid off.

The First Lady looked extremely attractive in a thin, sweeping, and ruby-colored dress by designer Jason Wu. She teamed the dramatic dress with heels by Jimmy Choo and a diamond ring by Kimberly McDonald.

She surprised the fashion establishment by returning to a Wu design which had been the custom made for her.

Four years ago at her first Inauguration Ball, Michelle shimmered(熠熠生辉)in an off-white, one-shouldered floor-length dress by the designer.

Wu, who was 26 at the time and had only been working in fashion for three years, saw his career take off after the First Lady's surprise decision to wear one of his dresses.

He said at the time that he was unaware she had chosen the dress and had been watching at home on his couch and eating pizza when she appeared.

After her 2013 decision, Wu told Women's Wear Daily: “Mrs Obama likes to keep her secrets. She fooled me again.”

Wu released a women's clothing and accessories(装饰品)collection at Target last year and continues to be popular with the First Lady for official engagements.

The sleeveless, cross-halter neck dress with low-cut back flattered(突出)49-year-old Michelle's arms and neat waist.

It had been created especially for her by Wu and was a departure from the dark and plain colour tone she stuck to at earlier inauguration events.

Mrs Obama's new hairstyle -- she had bangs(美发沙龙)cut on her birthday last week  had been loosely tousled(蓬松的)for the special night.

Vice-President Joe Biden's wife Jill also looked attractive in a blue silk dress by Vera Wang at the Inauguration Ball.


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